Beyond the Seduction Read online

Page 10

  Anticipation started to hum beneath her skin, her sex clenching when he reached the top of her thigh. His movements were torturously slow. No amount of hip rolling helped her. Trace was going at his own pace and he wouldn’t deviate. She wanted to scream at him, demand that he hurry.

  Her arousal had begun to weep from her sex. She could feel it slick against her thigh when she rolled her hips. Trace still watched her, his solitary finger running along the seam between her groin and hip. She undulated, raising her pelvis in the hope that he touched her. She began to pant before he’d started to caress her. “Trace,” she said, her voice coming out breathy and seductive.

  “Begging? I like that. You should do it more.” He ran his thumb down her slit, pressing a bit more so it slipped between her folds. Shae rolled her hips again, hoping the movement would give her what she needed. Instead, she received a chuckle from Trace and the removal of his thumb.

  She growled through gritted teeth. “You said you were going to make me come. This isn’t orgasmic, it’s torture.”

  He placed a gentle kiss on the inside of her thigh. It caused her sex to clench and her hips to buck. Another kiss was placed further up her leg, followed by a few more. His heated breath blew across her swollen, slick skin. More. She needed so much more.

  On the cusp of begging, Shae opened her mouth but instead of saying his name, she gasped because his tongue stroked along her folds. A shiver ran from the top of her head down her spine to the tips of her toes, and when she had almost caught her breath, Trace spread her wide, delivering a lingering kiss to her clit. Shae cursed, swearing when the kiss changed into a series of licks.

  The rise and fall of her chest increased, and her eyes fluttered closed only to shoot wide open when he used his finger to circle the entrance to her sex. His tongue continued to tease her, the tip swirling around the tight bud. She felt it tighten, moisture surging to wet her pussy further. He hummed, the vibration starting a delicious tremble in her thighs. “Oh God, Trace.”

  He hummed again, the sound deepening when she pushed her fingers into his hair and held him against her pussy. Lifting her hips, she tried to request more. When he pushed the tip of his finger into her, she knew he’d understood. Her back arched, her breasts aching as her nipples beaded. “Trace,” she groaned.

  Entering her with a second finger, he delivered one hard lick to her clit. Shae bucked, her fingers tightening in his hair. She threw her head back, craning her neck as a fire began to blaze across her skin. His tongue stroked, his fingers pumped, each action igniting more of her lust-crazed embers. The muscles of her abdomen began to tighten, the flow of her blood escalating to a slow burn. Trace continued with his ministrations, his tongue driving her as wild as his fingers. Each thrust he offered was met with a circle of his tongue, and when he pushed three fingers into her, stretching her sweetly, she felt the sparks. They built as he pushed into her, all of them converging around her ultrasensitive clit.

  “Scream my name, baby.”

  His tongue flattened against her nub, and she did what he asked. She yelled out, a white heat lancing through her body and causing the sparks to burst behind the lids of her eyes. Her breathing stuttered, and she shivered when he removed his fingers from her, delivering one last lick. “Holy fuck!” she shouted, her stomach spasming.

  Shae heard Trace’s laughter. The bed shifted as he jostled them around. He prowled up her body, hovering over her. His swollen lips spread into a huge, satisfied grin. “Did that check all the boxes?”

  A giggle bubbled up. “And then some.”


  Both attempted to move at the same time, their heads butting. “Ouch!”


  “See,” she panted. “There you go, hurting me again.”

  “It was a little nudge. Do you want me to stop making you orgasm?”

  Her entire body pulsed to the rapid beat of her heart. Her skin began to cool, and she felt suddenly far too exposed with her legs wide open, his face still close to her throbbing sex.

  “No.” Shae tried to move but was stopped when he flattened his palm against her stomach.

  “Don’t go, Shae. Don’t get all coy now. I’ve just spent the last however long feasting on your pussy.”

  Her skin burned again, her hips elevating of their own volition.

  He quirked a brow. “Are you wanting my tongue again, babe? Are you still hungry?”

  “You’re the hungry one.” Her voice was still raw from crying out. “And shouldn’t you be asking me for something?” Her gaze lowered to the bulge in his underwear.

  “What kind of fucking selfish assholes have you dated? I taste because I want to, not because there’s something in it for me.”

  This time when she moved, he let her go. Pulling down her T-shirt, she sat facing him, crossing her legs. “Neither one of my past boyfriends were assholes. They just . . .”

  “Didn’t hit the same spot I did, huh?”

  “I suppose not.”

  “How many?” he asked, reaching across their legs so that he could link their fingers.


  His eyes widened. “You’ve only slept with two guys? That makes you a damn nun in my book.”

  Men could be so transparent at times. He liked the idea that there had been so few before him. Shae tossed her head back and laughed. “I’ve had sex with six, Trace. I’m far from nun material.”

  “Living with your mom must cramp your style a bit, though.”

  Shae shook her head, enjoying the way they’d slipped so well into a casual banter after being so intimate. They were comfortable with one another. “It’s never been an issue. Besides, I moved back in with Mom six months ago. I haven’t been with anyone in that time for the problem of a sleepover to occur. How about you?”

  She didn’t miss the way the sparkle dimmed in his eyes, almost as soon as she’d asked him. His throat constricted as he swallowed, and his hand tightened around hers. “There . . .” He swallowed again. “There was someone. I thought I had it all, but it turned out to be a lie.” His hand tightened further. “A huge fucking lie that’s left a mark I doubt will ever fade.”

  “Ouch.” She winced, snatching back her hand. Utter helplessness left her stomach plummeting as Trace climbed from the bed, turning his back to her. He stared out the small, dirty window.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “It was an innocent question. If I’d—”

  “You didn’t know.”

  Needing to comfort him, she moved off the bed and over to him. Looping her arms around his waist, she rested her cheek against his back, pleased that he allowed the connection. “I won’t ask again.”

  “That would be fucking fabulous.”

  They stayed like that for a while, both locked in thought. Over and over, she asked herself what kind of lie could make him hate the subject so much. Who had done such a number on the man that he was reluctant even to speak about the events? She could see by the emotions simmering under the surface that it had caused his entire world to crumble. Nevertheless, if Trace wasn’t willing to move past that point, if he wasn’t going to trust her with the truth, then they were no more than a way to blow off some steam and relieve a little tension.

  “Have I pissed you off? Did I hurt you before?” His deep timbre rumbled down his back, vibrating her body where it touched his.

  “No, Trace, I’m fine, but why would you have pissed me off? We all have a past. Share when you’re ready. If you’re ready.”

  “We’re having sex, and yet I won’t talk to you. That would annoy most women.” He turned in her arms to face her, placing his arms around her neck.

  “You’ll learn soon enough that I’m not like most. And you will tell me. Eventually. Seems like it’s all too raw right now.”

  Seeing his sadness, hearing his hurt, had her falling into something she should be avoiding. That intensified when he kissed her forehead. The feeling of his lips on her skin, the gesture so tender, had her heart thumpin
g into overdrive. Her heart risked spinning into free fall.

  “Want to wander along the beach?”

  Hugging him with a tight squeeze, she agreed, speaking into the warmth of his chest.

  “We’d better get dressed, then, babe.” He slapped her ass when she bent down to retrieve her jeans.

  “Hey! I thought you wanted to see the beach, not start something.”

  Trace whistled, the side of his lips tilting upward. “So smacking your ass is a way of starting something, huh? That is good to know.” He tapped his temple. “Stored that bit of info.”

  Shae rolled her eyes as she shoved her legs into her jeans. Plonking herself down on the bed, she pushed her feet into her shoes and wondered whether she’d need her jacket.

  “No panties?”

  “They’re around here somewhere. I’ll find them later. I’m pretty sure you still have some underwear of mine.”

  “Do I?” he asked innocently. “And don’t bother with putting your panties on. It’ll make me hard knowing you’re going commando.”

  Shae looked at his crotch. “I’d say that getting hard isn’t an issue for you.”

  Trace bent over, placing a quick kiss on her lips before grabbing his jacket. She followed him out into the daylight, trying not to let the conversation, or his surprise kiss, affect her. It would be nice for her to revel in the moment—to lie in his arms and make out for a while.

  But that wasn’t the kind of relationship they had. No matter what her heart was beginning to tell her. Trace was closed for relationships, that much was very clear. She’d be a fool to think otherwise.

  “Are you coming?” Trace asked, pausing his steps and squinting to see her through the afternoon sunlight.

  Scuttling along, she caught up with him, grinning when he placed his arm over her shoulders. They strolled over to the beach, and Shae inhaled the salty air. The waves lapped against the sand, the wind teasing the fronds of grass on the dunes. A couple huddled at the far end, warming their hands over a small fire in front of them. They kissed, making Shae turn away for fear of intruding.

  “Did you tell anyone you were leaving Sea Pointe for a while?”

  Trace hummed. “I called my sister so she wouldn’t worry.”

  “Aw, does your sister need to look after you?” she said, teasing him. She expected him to laugh, though instead she watched his jaw stiffen as he clenched it.

  “I’ve been . . . a bit distant, I guess, since everything fell apart. Dale’s concerned. She’s my family here and feels like she needs to have my back. Our dad lives on Barren, so she likes to keep an eye on me, either that or send Kyran.”

  “Don’t you get along with him?”

  Trace chuckled as he gave her shoulders a quick squeeze. “Hated him. He seemed like a real asshole. I knew him before D. But then she hooked up with him and they just . . . well . . . sparked. I could see it, and even when he fucked up it didn’t go away. I kinda helped him find her when she ran.” He smirked. “I like to think I had a hand in getting them hitched.”

  “Cute. So you and Dale are close?”

  “Yeah. There isn’t a huge pool of kids to choose from when you live on Barren Island. Dale and I always ended up hanging at the beach, whether it was just us or with a few other friends. As kids, we knew each other inside out. In some ways we still do. Dad still lives on Barren and my mom lives out in Bracken Hills with her husband. Dale takes on the role of parent, even though I don’t need it.”

  “You’re a bit older, right? Doesn’t that annoy you? Sorry, I’m being nosy. I suppose, being an only child, I’m interested in the dynamics of siblings.”

  They stopped in the wet sand where the sea crept along the edge. Trace toed off his boots and waited for the water to cover his feet. When Shae did the same, he replied to her question. “Isn’t that what girls do? Boss the men around? She’s been doing it for years, why the hell would she stop now?”

  There wasn’t a hint of anger in his tone. In fact, all Shae felt from his words was the affection he held for Dale. She liked that, was even a bit envious of it. One time, she’d imagined a relationship similar with her half sister, Hayley. That had been shattered very fast. Hayley was Lucian’s daughter not her sister.

  The water tickled her toes, snapping her away from that particular train of thought. “How do you like being an uncle? Ella is adorable.”

  He took a few steps away from her, letting the water and sloppy sand trickle over his feet. She frowned at his withdrawal. Had she been asking too many questions?

  “Ella is a ray of sunshine,” he replied. “Sometimes . . . seeing her has been hard on me.”

  The sadness in his tone had her head snapping up so that she could look at him. She’d always seen the hurt that hung over him. Sometimes he hid it better than others. Today was not one of those occasions. “Why, Trace?” she whispered. He shook his head, attempting to turn away when she fisted the sides of his jacket and made him make eye contact. “You can trust me, you know? I’ve got enough baggage of my own and won’t be judging you on yours.”

  He pulled, but Shae didn’t let him go. She held firm, asking again for him to tell her.

  Trace closed his eyes and gulped. Raising his hands, he clenched strands of his hair. “Just . . . shit!” he shouted before lowering his tone. “Just . . .” His tortured blue eyes lifted to hers. “Just kiss me. Kiss me and mean it. For one fucking day give me that peace.”

  How could she refuse that plea?

  Chapter 13

  “So where have you been?” Dale asked Trace. She kept her tone low as she tucked a blanket around his sleeping niece.

  Trace rubbed the back of his neck, uncertain how much to share with his sister. She wanted him to be happy, and all it would take for her to start her crusade would be the details of where he’d been and who he’d been with.

  Dale combed her fingers through her dark, wavy hair and sat down on the couch at her daughter’s feet. “Ella and I dropped by your place. She was excited to show you her new dance moves.”

  Smiling, he nodded. “Then I’m sorry I missed it. I’ll stay until she wakes up. That way she can show me how awesome she is.”

  Dale quirked a brow. “You aren’t going to tell me where you’ve been?”

  He exhaled. “I needed to breathe some clean air. Everything was suffocating here. Too much shit going on, yeah?” He began to pace the floor in front of the fire, his boots clomping on the wood.

  “Is she still calling you?”

  “Seems so. Some shit about the baby. Fuck, D!” Rubbing his chest, he hated that the pain never ceased. Every time he thought of the baby girl, his heart ripped right open again. “Emmie knows I adore Tatum, knows if she keeps prodding I’ll give in. I don’t want to give in but, D, that baby was mine.”

  Dale frowned. “You keep saying that, but then you say you can’t be her father again. I know this isn’t something you want to go over but . . .”


  “Isn’t she going to contact Tatum’s actual father?”

  “I have no idea if she even knows who that guy is.”

  Dale grimaced and reached out to touch Trace’s hand. He paused his pacing, offering her a quick finger squeeze, and before he’d accepted what he was about to do, Trace confessed. “I went down the coast.” The tension eased from his sister’s shoulders. “I took Shae.”

  His sister straightened. “You took Ella’s dance teacher?”

  Trace nodded and rubbed his chin while watching her response. In any other situation, he’d have found her bemusement funny. Right now, he was far too anxious to see the humorous side.

  “Okay,” she said, her expression telling him she was still trying to regroup. “First off, I’m stunned you took anyone with breasts with you. You wanted some thinking time, and I thought women were a major no-go with you. But then . . . oh!” She pointed her finger at him. “Ky told me.” It felt like an accusation. Not that he knew what he was being accused of. “The woman arriving after
closing at Metro. Ky saw her. He recognized her, and it annoyed the shit out of him because he couldn’t place her. Damn it, Trace!”

  “It’s not like that,” he retorted.

  “Like what? Christ, I’m not saying you and she are a bad thing. I’m shocked it’s happened so fast. And that you seem to be embracing it.” She looked at her sleeping daughter. “You know, great things can come into your life when you least want or expect them to.”

  He snorted. “When did you become such a romantic?”

  Dale’s top lip curled. “I’m not. I’m stating the obvious.”

  “D, don’t get all excited. This thing between me and Shae is not serious.” He paused, deciding to be straight with his sister. He had to get her head out of the clouds. “It’s sex. Nothing more than sex.”

  Dale tossed her head back and laughed. The noise was so loud and unexpected Ella startled but returned to her slumber.

  “Trace, you can keep fooling yourself with that line. Just remember, Kyran and I were that. Both of us fought to keep that label, and look at us now. Married with Ella. Happy in our bubble.”

  Feeling somewhat nauseous at her assessment, Trace began to pace again. “I’m still a fucking wreck over Emmie and Tatum. She shredded everything I was. I can’t.”

  “Does Shae know?”

  His throat constricted, recalling his talk with Shae on the beach. She’d gotten too close, asked him too many questions, so he’d shut her down. He’d allow their chemistry to distract her, their kisses sending her thoughts in a different direction and at the same time calming his nerves. Hiding the truth from her was unfair. He knew that, especially as she’d been honest with him about her father and the bills for the house and dance studio. He kept telling himself that what he and Shae had wasn’t an information-sharing kind of relationship.

  “No,” he finally replied, his voice ragged. “I had the opportunity. I’m not going to lie to you. I couldn’t get the words to form in my mouth.” He rubbed his chest as a familiar stabbing began to pierce his heart.