Igniting Ash Read online

Page 11

  “Good to meet you,” Jonathan said before facing his daughter. Emma noted a small nod of his head. Her father approved. Leaning over, he kissed her on the cheek before telling her to have a good time. “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

  Her father left the room, leaving her clutching the flowers and staring at Asher. “You look fantastic,” she said.

  “That should be my line,” he replied with a grin. “Are you ready to go?”

  Emma agreed, reaching out to take hold of his hand when he offered it. The moment she touched him her pulse went wild. The night was going to be a long one if she couldn’t get her reactions under control. But then her reaction to him was so thrilling she resolved to just go with it and enjoy the time with Asher as much as possible.

  Chapter 13


  “You still haven’t answered why we’re here,” Emma complained as Asher led her through his flat above the bookshop. He ushered over to the far corner of the space and opened a door which led to another set of stairs. “What’s up there?”

  “Do you trust me, Em?” He kept his voice low, watching as her pupils dilated. She was doing crazy shit to his body. Just standing next to her had him on high alert. He couldn’t get her out of his head, every thought looping back to the kiss.

  Her lips.

  Her smile.

  The way her body moulded to his when he took her in his arms.

  “Yes, I trust you,” she replied, stalling his thoughts…and the growing problem in his jeans. “That doesn’t mean I’ll go anywhere with you.”

  Asher snorted, beckoning her up the stairs. “Just follow me. I promise it’ll be worth it.”

  Emma pouted but stayed behind him anyway. There were only six stairs to climb before they walked out onto the roof of the shop. He stepped aside, holding his breath while he waited for Emma’s reaction. He didn’t wait long.

  “Asher? What’s all this?”

  Taking hold of her hand, he led her to the large, checked blanket on the floor. He’d scattered a couple of large cushions on top of it so that it was more comfortable to sit down. Emma stared.

  “I didn’t know what you liked—to eat, that is. So I thought we could come back here and order what you wanted.” He exhaled loudly. “Sounds lame now, like I didn’t want to go out in public with you. I really didn’t mean it that way. I just thought…well, I thought—”

  Emma lifted her hands to frame his face and hushed him. “I never thought that. No need to apologise.”

  “It seemed nicer when I was planning it.”

  “It’s wonderful. Thank you.” She kissed his cheek, making his skin tingle and heat rise. The problem in his jeans started all over again. “Let’s sit down and sort out what we want to eat.”

  Asher nodded. They both sat down on the cushions, staring out at the horizon. The sunset had the sky turning a brilliant orange, with waves of pink rippling across the sky. Emma leaned back on her hands, her fingertips touching Asher’s. He turned his face, watching her while she looked at the sky. Colour bloomed in her cheeks and he could see her throat constrict as she swallowed. “I know you’re watching me,” she said softly.


  She faced him. “Will you stop apologising? This is so thoughtful.”

  He scanned the roof. Besides the blanket and cushions, he’d brought up a projector, hoping they could watch a film when the sun went down. He planned to play it against the far wall. It wouldn’t be the greatest image but it would be good enough. There was a small basket next to the projector; he’d brought up some wine, chocolate treats and popcorn. Inside were also a few menus for local takeaways.

  When he’d set everything out, the idea had been much more romantic. That was why he’d placed tiny candles around the roof. He’d hoped Emma wouldn’t see it as a cop out.

  “Are you sure?” He pulled the menus from the basket. “You get to choose.”

  She looked at him through hooded eyes, taking her bottom lip between her teeth. The woman had his knees quaking…and he was sitting down. She’d appeared in his life out of nowhere, slid into his daily thoughts without invitation, and she was now consuming his dreams. He didn’t have a fucking clue how to deal with her. If he was being truthful to himself, right now he was flying by the seat of his pants and doing whatever entered his head. After setting the scene on the roof, he’d questioned whether it was too much? Too romantic? Or even not enough for a date, after all that’s what they had agreed to.

  “How about Thai?” she asked, holding up a menu to one of his favourite places.

  “Perfect. I’ll order; you open the wine.”

  Emma agreed, allowing him to take his phone with him as he walked to the edge of the roof. He dialled the restaurant and ordered a selection of dishes. He took a second to breathe, to gather himself again before he needed to get back to her.

  The streetlights began to switch on, the little globes popping orange as they illuminated the pavements. The swell of people grew as they made their way to bars and clubs. The noise of their chatter echoed off the walls and up to his roof.

  Tonight wasn’t the first time he’d been up here. In the summer he spent most nights listening to the conversations while he read a book. He felt far less lonely when he could pretend he was a part of it all. Rarely did he take Ben up on his offers to go out. On occasion he wondered why the hell the bloke stayed around. He wasn’t the easiest of friends to have.

  He tried; he really did, but being so open with others didn’t come easy. Maybe that was why he was better with Emma. She knew enough about him—could guess much more, without him needing to verbalise any of it. Around her he was himself.

  “Are you planning on staying over there until the food arrives? If so it will be a really awkward date, Asher.”

  Facing her, he took a deep breath and began to walk closer. She held out a glass of wine, still worrying her lip between her teeth.

  “Sorry, my mind wandered.” He took the glass from her and sat down on the cushion beside her.

  “Anywhere nice?”

  “Oddly enough, I was right here.”

  A smile burst across her face, her eyes twinkling with happiness. He’d said the right thing for once.

  “That’s pretty romantic, but I suppose it is a date.”

  He cleared his throat. “I never said it because we’re on a date. I meant it. I was thinking about how well you know me. How I feel…comfortable around you, and what that means.”

  Emma placed her glass on the ground and rested her hand on his knee. It trembled. “What does it mean?”

  “I’m not entirely sure. I’ve done nothing but ask myself that. I’m coming up empty.”

  “Sometimes,” she said, scooting closer to him. Their thighs pressed against one another. “It’s okay for you to just go with it. I have no expectations for this. I’m enjoying what’s going on, and I do hope that we have more.”

  Taking her face in his hands, he stared at her in awe. “Where did you come from, Emma Carnes? Why are you back in my life now?”

  “You need me,” she replied simply. “Just like you needed me then, you need me now.”

  “It’s that simple?”

  “It can be.”

  Her truth hit him square in the gut. With her everything could be simple. He needed to believe. He needed to let go. “You don’t need to help me. I’m dealing,” he said, dropping his hands.

  “With what?”

  Asher lowered his gaze to her hand and kept his voice as controlled as he could. “I think you can guess.”

  Her hand cupped his jaw, lifting his head so that he looked at her again. Her blue eyes shimmered with emotion, possibly tears, though he was perplexed as to why she’d be the one crying. “No, Ash, I don’t want to guess. I’d much rather you tell me. I remember things from when we were younger, like your clothes, your shoes,” she paused, gulping loudly enough for him to hear, “And sometimes you’d hide your face under your hair.”

  His throat c
losed so tight that it hurt to speak. His words came out as little more than a rasp. “I hid it for a reason.”

  “I know. I’m so sorry. You never deserved that kind of hurt. No one does. Back then you would have run if I’d tried to help you more than I did that night. Back then you would have been angry at me for trying.”

  “Like Gabe.”

  “Yes, just like him. I can listen to you if you want to tell me more. I think that would help with your resolutions.”

  Beating down his building shame over the situation, he shook his head. That shame and embarrassment always bubbled up when he spoke about his childhood. He refused to experience those feelings around Emma. She was something new, something good and clean. He was going to keep her that way.

  Desperate for the space, he turned the conversation back on her. “And what about you? If the reason I have you is because I need you, then what about you?”

  Emma shrugged. “Maybe I need you a little too.”

  “I find that hard to believe.”

  Emma arched a blonde brow and pouted. The harsh set of her jaw told him she didn’t like what he’d said.

  “I’m not being mean when I say that, Em. It’s just—”

  “That I have a rich family, so how can I possibly understand your level of hurt and upset? Trust me, I know. And that’s not because I deal with kids who are struggling. It’s because I’ve seen first-hand what people can do to one another.” Her shoulders slumped, her voice softening. “Don’t fool yourself into thinking I’m some rich kid who dances on rainbows and rides unicorns.”

  Asher couldn’t help it; he tossed his head back and laughed. The image she’d laid out for him was too random and lightened the mood between them.

  “I wasn’t trying to be funny.”

  He cupped her face again. “And yet you are. Jesus, Emma, you are the tonic I need.” He lowered his face, his lips a breath away from hers. “Would it be really inappropriate right now if I kissed you?”

  “I’d be offended if you didn’t. It is a date.”

  They met in the middle, still smiling as their lips meshed together. Asher groaned low in his throat, as Emma sighed and looped her arms around his neck. His groin tightened, his blood heading in one direction. It had been some time since he’d felt the heavy hit of lust. Even longer since he’d welcomed it.

  He pulled her closer, gripping her thigh so that she ended up straddling his lap. Her hair fell against his cheek, tickling the skin while her tongue tickled his bottom lip. She was adorable. Her movements were tentative, and yet clear in their demand.

  Unable to refuse her, Asher deepened the kiss. He slid his tongue into her mouth, stroking it against hers; revelling in the hum that came from her in response. She had his temperature rising and his dick hardening. She rocked his normality, leaving him gasping for air and fighting for balance.

  He wanted more.

  Emma’s fingers delved into the hair at the back of his head, her little purrs driving him nuts. She rocked her hips as his hands gripped her thighs. His fingers dipped underneath the hem of her skirt, hitting the edge of her underwear. Every drop of blood in his body began to boil, and as their kisses heated up so did his skin. He was a burning man, every inch of him on fire for her.

  She gasped when he palmed her butt, tearing her mouth away to catch her breath. The separation gave Asher a heartbeat to gather his thoughts.

  “Don’t you dare, Asher Harris. Don’t you dare retreat from me.”

  He met her gaze, taking in the gentle flush to her cheeks. He’d caused that. His kiss had her temperature rising too. What he didn’t understand was the warning to her tone. “I’m not going anywhere. Why do you—”

  “Your eyes changed. They went from hooded and relaxed to cautious. I don’t like that after, well after this.” She gestured with her hand between their bodies. “I thought we were getting somewhere. Each of us giving a little at a time.”

  He gawked at her, trying to work out what to say next. He hadn’t even realised he’d pulled away. She’d been the one to end the kiss, and that was when the lust-filled haze began to clear. “I really wasn’t going anywhere.” He touched her hand, entwining their fingers. “I kind of like it right where I am.”

  Tilting her head to the side, she gave his fingers a squeeze. “Do you mean that?”

  “Yes. I was the one who asked if I could kiss you. And I was the one to ask you on a date. Why would I change my mind after you’d agreed to both of them? I know I’m a bit mixed up, but I’m not stupid!”

  She giggled, bending her head and kissing him lightly. “You’re not mixed up. You shouldn’t think that.”

  He didn’t want to talk anymore. He didn’t like the idea of going back to the time and place which left him defenceless. Emma had the ability to tug the information out of him little by little, using only her gentle smile. Right now he wasn’t ready to purge more.

  Intent on distracting her, he pushed forward, leaning her backward until she lay down on the blanket. She squealed and slapped at his chest; she didn’t fight him off.

  Pleased with himself, Asher nestled between her legs and propped himself up on his elbows. He brushed her tousled, blond hair from her face, placing a kiss on each cheek. “Food will be here soon.”


  “And I thought it was silly to waste time by talking before it arrives.”

  “And what do you suggest we do in the meantime?”

  Asher began trailing his lips along her jaw, placing small kisses down the side of her neck. He felt her skin pebble underneath his lips. The reaction only encouraged him further. “I think this could lead us down an interesting path.”

  Her laughter illuminated his system.

  “You need to try harder to convince me,” she teased, as her hands smoothed down his back.

  “That,” he said before kissing her chin, “is something I am pretty sure I can do. Now lie back and enjoy the convincing.”

  Chapter 14


  The end credits for the film rolled up the wall. Emma didn’t move. She watched them scroll through sleepy eyes, well aware that she’d missed most of it. Asher had too; he’d fallen asleep long before her. They had eaten, sharing the different dishes he’d ordered, before cuddling up together on the blanket across the cushions.

  Comfort had engulfed them, and a thrill of excitement had shot through her when he’d spooned her, wrapping his arm around her waist. His slow, gentle breathing tickled her neck, the soft sound stirring something within her. She continued to tell herself to take things slow with Asher. He wasn’t the kind to rush into anything, especially given how wounded he still was. It was growing more difficult to keep that pace, because her feelings were changing toward him.

  There wasn’t an exact moment that she could pinpoint; maybe she’d always felt that pull toward him. The reality was, she liked him far more than any man she’d ever been with. But with him it was baby steps all the way.

  The film finished; the wall turning black. The noise from the street below grew louder as people wandered the streets. Emma nestled closer to Asher, smoothing her hand across his chest. They’d shifted while they slept, and now instead of spooning, she was moulded against his side with her head on his shoulder. His heart beat loud and clear under her ear. The sound relaxed her further. There wasn’t a single other place she would rather be right now.

  It had to be getting late; not that she cared what time it was. She was perfectly comfortable nestled next to Asher. If she tilted her chin up a little, she could just make out his face. While he slept it was free of worry or concentration. Not one single line showed on his forehead, or between his brows like there usually was. She liked looking at him while he was so calm, and wished he felt that when he was awake.

  The shrill of a whistle shot through the air, startling them both. Asher grumbled, the whistling from the street continuing for another minute. Emma knew the moment Asher realised where he was, and who was cuddled next to him. She
held her breath, waiting for him to shrug her off. Being this close to him when he woke from sleep might be too much for him. She expected his retreat.

  She didn’t expect his lips to touch her forehead.

  “Hey,” she whispered, her pulse fluttering rapid against her neck.

  He kissed her forehead again. “Totally didn’t mean to fall asleep on you. Sorry.”

  “No apology needed. We both dozed off.”

  He rolled onto his side, facing her. “Bit of a shitty date.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “Emma, we fell asleep. That’s not what a date should be, is it?” He placed his hand on her hip, and instinct had her snuggling closer to him.

  “I think that shows how comfortable we are around one another. I like that. I’d say all in all it was a pretty successful date.” She smiled, watching the confusion disappear from his expression.

  “I don’t see how, but you probably have more experience in this than I do.”

  Emma gasped, feigning shock at his words. “Are you saying I’ve been with a lot of men?”

  His eyes widened, his hand tightening on her hip. “Shit. That’s not what I…I really didn’t—”

  Laughing, she took his face in her hands. “I was joking. I know what you meant. Don’t panic, I’m not offended.” When he opened his mouth, she placed a finger across his lips. “Please don’t apologise. We said we weren’t going to do that anymore.”

  “Would a kiss be better?”

  A wave of shyness washed over her. She started to analyse why as she glanced at him through her lashes. Their interactions were usually so easy; the flow from little touches to caresses had been a natural evolution. They’d spent much of the evening kissing, so why was she being coy now?


  It was starting to mean more. He was starting to mean more.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “A kiss would make it better.”