Benath the Surface (Reluctance #1) Read online

Page 12

  “Hooky? You? Kyran, did you bang your head last night? You need to tell me because right now you’re acting weird.”

  He dismissed her question by unsnapping her bra and dragging a strap down with his teeth. “Come on, Dale. It’ll be fun.”

  She squirmed, trying to turn around and face him. “Taylor needs me today. I can’t.”

  He tensed. “You can. And Taylor will fucking manage.”

  Dale tore herself from his grasp and pushed off the bed. Placing her hands on her hips, she glared down at him, unconcerned that she stood by the large window in her tiny panties and unfastened bra. Her curls rioted around her face and her skin still glowed from the exertion. The woman stunned him when she wasn’t even trying.

  “You can’t just tell me to take the day off. You’re not even my boss—Taylor is! Besides, you still haven’t told me what’s going on between you two. Sure, he has problems, but he’s not a bad person.”

  Kyran flopped onto his back, grumbling a little before getting up and standing in front of her. To her credit, she didn’t back away. “The subject of Taylor and me is closed. And I’m not telling you to do anything. I asked. Jesus, you’re high strung.”

  “What? ‘High strung’? That’s rich coming from Mr. Stick-up-his-ass. I still don’t understand your issue with him. He’s your brother. He needs your help. I don’t understand why you’re so mean to him.”

  Dale tried to shove him again, but this time he stopped it. Kyran grabbed her hands and pressed her against the bedroom window. She yelped but continued to glare at him in defiance. He held her arms above her head, thrusting his thigh between hers.

  “You’re right, technically I’m not your direct boss, and Taylor is my brother, but those facts change nothing. The man is pathetic, and with all due respect, I will treat him as I see fit. You have no say in this, Dale.”

  “Fuck you!” she shouted.

  His dick pulsed from her ferocity. She was spitting fire, but Dale ground her hips against his thigh. It appeared she got off on the exchange as much as he did. They either ran hot or cold—there never seemed to be a happy medium when it came to what was occurring between the two of them.

  “I have fucked you. Numerous times, in fact. We will continue to do so because, seriously, Dale, it’s amazing.”

  She moaned, pressing her lips to his. Kyran nipped her lips, and she whimpered. He pushed his thigh further between her legs as she rubbed herself against it.

  “What the hell are we doing, Kyran?” Dale panted.

  He bit her shoulder then said, “You keep asking me that question. My answer is still the same. I have no idea. You are one irritating woman, but I can’t get enough.”

  “You’re an arrogant, controlling bastard.”

  He licked her neck, tasting her salty skin before growling into her ear, “Maybe, but I turn you on. I make you wet. I give you what you want. So why should I quit now?”

  Dale writhed, giving a weak tug on her arms. There was no strength to her actions. In an action of dominance, he nipped at her earlobe. Desperation throbbed within him, pumping to the heavy rhythm of his heart. Both of them were panting. Both waiting for the other to pounce. It was a game, much like every other one they played. Cat and mouse.

  A trail of sweat trickled between Dale’s breasts, and Kyran lost it. He wanted to taste every inch of her, so he lowered his head and slowly lapped it up.

  She cursed. The venom with which she spat it had him laughing into her flesh. She sure had a way with words. His dick ached to be inside her.

  “Dale. I need a condom. I need you.”

  Nodding at his request, her body relaxed and sagged as he let her go. He turned his back on her, opening the drawer on the bedside cabinet to retrieve a handful of the silver packets. This wouldn’t be a quick morning fumble. Kyran planned to take his time.

  He threw the condoms on the bed, keeping one as he turned back to her. The sight that awaited him made him groan. Dale was bent over, removing her panties and giving him the most delicious view of her pert ass. Two perfectly round cheeks, just the right size to fit in his palms. Her skin was pale and inviting.

  “You should have kept those on.”

  She jumped at the sound of his voice. “You scared me!”

  “You knew I was in the room. It’s not like I jumped you.”

  “I wish you would,” she said quietly.

  But he heard, and nothing could have stopped him at that point. “Dale, get on the floor. I need to feel you wrapped around my dick. Now.”

  She blinked, but a small smile played across her face as she shot him a mock salute. “Yes, sir.”

  Kyran grinned. “I think I like sir more than Mr. Reese. Now on your hands and knees.”

  Dale complied without another protest. She gave her ass a little shake before he ran his hand across her smooth cheeks. Kyran couldn’t resist; he drew his hand back and smacked the cheek of her ass hard. She whimpered, rolling her hips as he slipped on the condom.

  “Looks like it’s not just me who likes a bit of pain, Dale.” He knelt behind her, grasping his dick and pumping it as he slid the engorged head against her wet sex. He gritted his teeth when Dale pushed back.

  Random curses burst from his lips, and Kyran’s knees began to tremble. It took every ounce of strength he had not to slam into her and fuck her until they were both satisfied. He always tried to prolong this part—to extend the excitement until neither of them could take it anymore.

  Dale’s gasps were growing louder and much shallower than before. Her sounds spurred him on as they always did. He shifted his stance, grasped her hips, and thrust into her dripping wet core with all the force he had.

  Dale whispered his name.

  “Say it again. Louder.” He pushed himself harder into her body. She caught her breath and pushed back, meeting him thrust for thrust. They worked together, inching each other closer to their goal.

  With each thrust, she said his name louder and louder. Kyran ran his hand down her spine; Dale arched her back as she responded to his touch. The slight change in position caused Kyran to hiss. It was deeper, tighter, and far more satisfying. She ground her ass against his groin, a silent plea for something extra. Kyran slapped it lightly, knowing it was what she wanted.

  “Oh, please. Faster.”

  “Yes. Do you want it harder?” His voice sounded husky and raw.


  He didn’t need any more confirmation. He pumped into her as if his life depended on it. Her screams and sobs laced his blood with adrenaline. Sweat coated their bodies but neither of them gave in. His legs quivered, and his knees ached. He ignored the protest and continued to thrust into her beautiful wet sex.

  “God, Dale. I can’t get enough.”

  Her words were lost, though her body kept pace. Kyran’s groin twitched, on the brink of orgasm. His stomach clenched, the heat of his arousal burning his body. Dale’s pussy clamped around his dick, and he lost all conscious thought.

  The combined sounds of their intense completion filled the room and the windows steamed over as they both exhaled heavily. She milked him with everything she had, sapping the life from him until there was nothing left.

  Kyran slumped over her sweat-soaked back. Dale couldn’t take his weight, and seconds later they fell to the floor out of breath. Kyran didn’t want to move but he didn’t want to crush her either, so he rolled onto his back.


  Her response was a hum.

  “I think you killed me.”

  She giggled and turned onto her side. “Is this what happens when you play hooky from work?”

  Kyran shrugged and kissed the tip of her nose. “I have no idea. I’ve never done it.”

  Dale widened her vibrant green eyes. “Never? Wow, you are way too anal.” She straddled his lap, smiling down at him. “We shouldn’t waste the day staying inside—”

  “I wouldn’t say it’s wasted,” he said and cupped her breasts.

  Her eyes flut
tered closed, her nipples hardening under his touch. “Anyway, let’s do something.” Her eyes opened. “Let’s go to the beach.”

  Kyran shook his head. “It’s not exactly warm outside. Besides, we need to shower, and I need a shave.”

  “I don’t care what the weather’s like. Please? We can shower now and be outside by lunchtime.”

  Dale jumped up. She didn’t hear one of his protests as she pulled Kyran to the bathroom.

  For Kyran, shaving was an everyday, monotonous task. Yesterday he would have said nothing could make it any better. Today, however, was different. Today, Dale held the razor.

  She sat on his lap in only his white dress shirt, coating his face in foam and holding the razor as if she was about to slit his throat. She had him right where she wanted him—at her mercy. His only explanation was that she fucked a few brain cells loose earlier.

  “Stop smiling. I don’t want to cut you.”


  She sighed. “When you smile, you get crinkles at the corners of your mouth. The razor might slip on them. I wouldn’t want to cut your pretty face.”

  Kyran growled. “Pretty?”

  “Shut it. Let me finish.”

  “But you just said—”

  Her eyes blazed, and she waved the razor in front of his face—a warning he understood. He thrust his jaw out, calling her bluff. “Dare you.”

  She wriggled on his lap, a saucy smile on her luscious, pink lips. The shirt she wore gaped open at her chest. Kyran licked his lips.

  “Be careful. Goading me will get you cut, Ky,” she said.

  Not believing a word of it, he chuckled and allowed her to turn his face. She grasped his chin between her thumb and forefinger, and her other hand held the blade. The razor rasped against his skin, pulling the foam as it cut his stubble. He studied her in the mirror, far more interested in her than what she was doing to him. Her dark curls fell across her face, and in the reflection he could see her tongue sticking out of her mouth. Just the tip of it peeking out.

  His cock stirred.

  Her sweet scent surrounded him. The smell he’d never liked before had now become addictive. But it wasn’t just her smell. She was swiftly becoming his drug. He needed her almost as much as he needed the fights at Metro. The realization of that scared the shit out of him.

  “Stop smiling.” She rinsed the razor in the bathroom sink.

  “I can’t help it. You’re grinding around on me—making my thigh wet. The smiling is instinctive.”

  “I’m moving because you won’t keep your face where I put it.” She brought the razor to his chin and turned his head to face her. Their eyes met, and the intensity flowing between the two of them slowly heightened. It was too much and Kyran had to pull away.


  The blade nicked his skin. Dale gasped and tossed the razor into the water in the sink.

  “Shit, I’m sorry.”

  Kyran held her hips tight, staring as she cleaned his face of the remaining foam. She picked up a towel to absorb the blood. “You shouldn’t have moved so fast.”

  “My fault?” he asked, distracted by the flash of nipple he saw through the shirt. He smoothed his hand higher up her torso before delving under the shirt. Her skin was so warm and inviting. He needed her again. He didn’t like that feeling. He was growing too attached to her. This was just sex. However, no matter how much he told himself that things weren’t changing between them, they were. Kyran didn’t want a relationship. He didn’t want the hurt and destruction that happened when things fell apart.

  “You knew you had to be still. So of course it’s your fault.” She stuck her tongue out like a petulant child. Kyran swept her up in his arms and kissed her, deep and slow.

  His senses were drowning in the woman, every part of him focused on her. He no longer knew what he was doing when it came to her.

  When she hummed, he moved his lips to her neck. He nipped at the sensitive flesh, smiling into her skin as she shivered. However, she wanted to get out today and go to the beach, so he pulled away. He carried her with him as he walked back to the bedroom.

  “Don’t move. I was enjoying you right where you were,” Dale exclaimed.

  “You wanted the beach, right? So we’re going to the beach.”

  Chapter 14

  “I’m freezing. It’s colder than I thought.” Dale folded her arms around her middle in an attempt to stay warm.

  “You should have brought a coat. And I told you we should have stayed in bed.”

  It wasn’t raining, but the clouds were looming, and the wind had begun to pick up. Dale had wanted a day out even though Kyran would have preferred a hot, sweaty workout in his bedroom. Maybe she was right. He had never skipped work before, so he should make it a day to remember.

  “Well, I guess I should have listened to you, huh?” She punched his shoulder.

  He stared at her, feigning boredom. “Yes, you should have. You should always trust me to make the right decisions for you.”

  Dale rolled her eyes but smiled nevertheless. “Whatever.”

  Kyran threw his head back, laughing so loudly he scared a flock of birds that were perched on the wall. They shot up into the air, flapping their wings violently. He grabbed her elbow and tugged her closer to him. “Your expression and the way you said ‘whatever’ make you look like a sullen teenager.”

  “If you didn’t annoy me, I wouldn’t pout.”

  “And how do I annoy you? I thought I was pretty good to you . . . considering.”

  Dale crossed her arms over her chest. “Considering what?”

  Locking his hands around her wrists, he pulled her arms apart and held them at her side. “I was messing with you.”

  “You’re not funny.”

  She looked wistfully out to sea and pouted, but she didn’t try to free herself from his hold. Her brow furrowed as though she was deep in thought.

  “What are you thinking about?” Kyran asked.

  “You,” Dale said and wrapped her arms around his waist. “This. Us.”

  “Wow, that’s a lot to shove into those few moments you were quiet.”

  Dale ignored his attempt at humor. “I don’t understand this. Any of it.”

  Kyran hugged her close. “Explain.”

  “This is just sex, yeah?”

  Slightly panicked about where she was leading, he answered, “That’s the plan.”

  Dale made eye contact with him as she delivered her verbal uppercut. “Then why do you have your hands on me? Why do you kiss me in such a tender way? This isn’t just sex. Just sex is a booty call every now and then. Just sex is fucking with no extras. We have extras, Kyran.”

  “And that’s wrong?” He dodged the point she was trying to make.

  “No, but you said this between us didn’t need a label, and yet you feel the need to label it as just sex. I don’t know what’s acceptable around you, Ky.”

  His heart always skipped a beat when she called him that. Ky. No one had ever shortened his name. He doubted they’d dare to, but Dale didn’t give a shit about that. She gave him honesty and met him head to head every step of the way. She would never bow to his dominant nature. He had started to wonder if her strength had attracted him to her in the first place.

  “Hmm, let me see . . .” he said while moving to nuzzle her throat.

  “Kyran.” She sighed and moved her neck closer to him.

  He chuckled. “Do you like having this conversation?”

  Dale snuggled closer to him. Kyran wrapped his jacket around her, convincing himself he was merely keeping her warm.

  “You’re answering a question with a question again. It’s getting annoying.”

  “The only reason I asked is because you’re always asking what we are or where we’re going.”

  She reared her head back. “That’s because you never answer the question.”

  “Circles, baby. Big fucking circles.” Before she could bite back, he framed her face with his hands and kissed
the tip of her nose. Kyran couldn’t label what they had as more than sex—he wouldn’t open himself up to that kind of hurt. Dale was frustrated with him, he knew this, but he couldn’t verbalize what she wanted. He wondered how long she’d put up with his denial. “Do you want to call quits on this?”

  “No,” she almost shouted. “I’m in. I just get confused when you say this is sex, and yet you take the day off, for the first time ever, to be with me and take me to the beach. That’s why I keep asking.”

  She sounded pained by it, and feeling the strange need to soothe her, Kyran brought his hand to the back of her neck, caressing it with his thumb. Dale tilted her head into his touch, her eyes closing for a moment.

  “When did you first start boxing?” She dropped her head forward so that her forehead rested on his chest.

  “Um, about four years ago. Why? And what’s with the rapid change of subject?”

  He lowered his head to hear her speak, the wind and the position of her head muffling the sound. “You didn’t want to talk about us, so I decided to turn my attention to you.”

  “Thanks,” he said. Kyran felt her laugh into his chest. “Okay, I guess there’s no reason to hide it. I’d had an argument with my father.”

  “About?” She lifted her head, searching his face. Kyran tightened his arms around her, recalling every word spoken during the altercation with his father.

  “He’d been fucking his assistant. I found them in the staff bathroom.”

  Shock lit up her face. “Are you serious?”

  “Deadly.” His chest ached. The rawness was still as strong as it had been the day he opened the bathroom door. “The bastard lied for a while—tried to convince me that Clara was upset and needed comforting.” He snorted. “I asked him what kind of comfort required panties being removed and a condom.”

  Dale stood on her tiptoes and kissed his chin. “That’s real crappy, Ky.”

  “Yep, and for him to lie to my face was worse. I think on some level I was more jealous than angry. I mean, he hadn’t paid attention to anyone or anything except the company for years, and then this woman was the one to make him change that. I constantly ask myself why his sons weren’t enough for him. He switched off with us, and yet she—”