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Igniting Ash Page 12

  Asher didn’t wait; he lowered his mouth to hers and delivered a searing kiss that had her toes curling. She sighed, lifting her leg so that it hooked over his hip. His kiss continued while he crept his fingers along her thigh. There was no rush; his hand was as slow as his lips, every movement escalating her temperature as well as her heart rate. His careful, deliberate touches shattered her shyness, and with one stroke of his tongue against her, she began rocking her hips against him. Her nipples hardened, her breasts aching for his hands.

  Turning her face, she gasped for air. She arched her neck, loving it when Asher trailed his lips along her throat. Emma liked it even more when he rolled her onto her back, covering her body with his. Their breaths mingled as they stared at one another. They still rocked against one another, a timid movement as they gauged each other for their next step.

  “I like that apology better than any sorry,” she said, amazed at how breathless her voice was.

  His smile caused her stomach to flip. She’d happily repeat it every day to get the same reaction. The genuine happiness that illuminated his brown eyes took her breath away. “You’re gorgeous,” she blurted out, blushing as soon as the words shot out.

  He chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose. “Another line you stole before I could say it. You keep doing that.”

  “So stop holding back and say it.”

  “You’re not gorgeous.” He grew serious. “You’re stunning. And I’m not sure what I wished on to get you back in my life, but I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Really? It’s just that sometimes I think you fight with yourself as to whether you want me here or not.”

  Rolling off her, he lay on his back for a second and looked up to the black night sky. Groaning, he stood up, making her curse her big mouth and wishing she’d kept it shut. If she had done they’d still be nestled together, enjoying more kisses. Now all she had was cold and distance.

  Determined not to run from her statement, she stood up and smoothed her clothes, ready to repeat what she’d said. She didn’t need to. Asher held out his hand and spoke first. “You’re not that far from the truth. My first instinct is always to run. Especially with you. You’re close, and I struggle to deal with that. I panic.” He tilted his head toward his outstretched hand. “Let’s go inside. It’s getting cold.”

  “Are we going to talk? Because I don’t like the thought off you panicking. I don’t like your first instinct for that matter.”

  He nodded, entwining his fingers with hers and tugging her toward the stairs. Emma followed, giving his hand a squeeze as he started to speak again. “I get confused. I want to let you in—want you to keep being a part of my life. You were such an unexpected surprise, Emma. I don’t have a plan for you. Sex? That’s easy because it’s nothing more than a function. I don’t need a plan for that, but you? You’re something else entirely.” He led them back into his flat and pulled a blanket off the back of the couch.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off him as he engulfed her in its fluffy warmth. Not letting go, he held the blanket closed at her chest.

  “From day one—from the start of my real life, I vowed to put myself first. To always make sure I was happy because I’d spent far too long being miserable. But then I looked up from messing with that damn padlock at the party and all I saw was you. My body went fucking crazy, every cell within me started vibrating to whole new beat—your beat, Emma.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “That’s when it changed. That’s when I couldn’t focus on just me, because every time I do I also think of you!”

  Her stomach flip-flopped, her skin tingling with expectation. She bit back a smile, keeping a lid on the pleasure she felt from his declaration. “You don’t seem happy that you feel this way, Asher.”

  “It frustrates me.”

  “It shouldn’t. Look, think of it this way—more than once in your life you’ve had to adapt. You’ve done that. Treat this like you did then.”

  “But this is unknown to me, babe. It’s alien.”

  She rubbed her cheek against his knuckles, encouraged, as always, when he didn’t move away. “Those moments in your past were too, Asher. I meant it when I said there’s no pressure from me about this between us. I truly am happy to take it day by day.”

  “And what if I don’t want that?”

  Her heart skipped a beat, before crashing wildly against her chest with his next question.

  “What if I wanted nights too?”

  She stammered, her mouth opening and closing as she tried to get a grip on her thoughts. That wasn’t the easiest thing to do when all she could think of was Asher and her…together in his bed. “W-what are you saying?”

  He rested his forehead against hers. His hands shook where they gripped the blanket. “I guess I’m asking for more. But this is all fucking new, so I’m clueless.”

  She liked being this close to him, liked the way he was opening up to her. She understood his reticence; he’d only ever trusted Ike before, and because of that, she was the one to take the chance. “Shall I spend the night, Asher?”

  Dropping his hands, he turned his back on her and walked across the room. He pushed his fingers through his hair, his loud exhale giving away his anxiety.

  Emma went to him.

  The blanket hit the floor as she walked forward, and even knowing it was possible he would shrug her off, she wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “I don’t want to want you, Em.”

  “I know.”

  They stood together in silence; the tension tangible. She couldn’t think straight when he was so close, couldn’t work out what to do next.

  “Fuck it!” He twisted around to face her. “Just fuck it all.”

  She squealed when he grasped her waist and picked her up. His actions came as a shock, his strength too. Her protest hovered on the tip of her tongue, though she never actually said anything. His serious expression and determined strides were enough to keep her mouth closed.

  Until he crushed his lips to hers. At that point she knew where it was heading, understood what he meant when he’d shouted. He was sick of holding back. Asher was taking what he wanted and ignoring any possible consequences.

  Emma clung to him, their kisses growing deeper and more forceful as he carried her to his bedroom. She kept hold of him as he sat on the edge of his bed, moving her so that she straddled his lap. They’d been here before, only this time the air was electrified, sparks bursting from their touches. He wasn’t going to deny them this time. She could sense from his heated kisses and desperate touches that he was all in.

  She blinked, her head spinning when he grabbed her loose T-shirt and pulled it over her head.

  He tossed it, not caring to look where it landed. Asher drank her in, his chocolate eyes melting as they perused her chest.

  A fire ignited low in her belly, her blood burning through her veins. She’d experienced lust before, however this with Asher was laced with something else. Something deeper.

  Slowly, too slowly, he stroked a single finger over the swell of her breast. Her nipples tightened as she silently begged for him to cup them. Her will was enough, because those amazing fingers dipped under the lace of her bra before palming her breast. His eyes never left hers. His touch grew firmer, more demanding. “More,” she whispered. “Asher, more.”

  He kissed her long and hard. At the same time she began unbuttoning his shirt, her fingers fumbling so much Asher ended up finishing the job for her. He didn’t stop with his shirt. After rolling her onto his bed, he stood and shucked off his jeans, sliding them down his legs before kicking them across the room. “No more barriers,” he rasped and pulled his underwear off too. His scars were exposed to her, the skin pink and puckered near his navel. There really were no barriers.

  Still expecting him to back out, Emma held a bit of herself back. The rejection would sting a little less if she did. However, that became difficult when he hovered over her, pressing his body against hers. His eyes were hooded, and she coul
d feel the heavy thump of his heart when she touched his chest. Hers was as rapid, the thrill of possibility surging in every cell. The connection with Asher was strong, very strong, and much more consuming than anything she’d ever felt before.

  Going slowly, even though the rocking of his hips was driving her insane with lust, she stroked her hands up his chest and along his shoulders.

  Asher hissed before nipping a path along her jaw. He whispered into her ear, repeating his need for more.

  “My clothes,” she gasped. “Take them off.”

  He acted quickly, shuffling down the bed to kneel at her feet. The sounds of their heavy breathing and the metallic snap of trousers zipper punctuated the air. Emma elevated her hips, allowing Asher to tug the material down her legs. He discarded them on the floor, and when he shifted back she was about to complain, to ask him to remove her underwear. The objection was never verbalised because he touched her. Touched her in a way where she lost the ability to think clearly.

  Each hand began at her ankles, his palms smoothing up her calves and over her thighs. Asher licked his lips as his fingers found the hem of her lace underwear. He stroked along each seam, the tips of his fingers skimming along her sensitive flesh. She writhed, her hips rolling, silently demanding for him the remove the scrap of material.

  Asher took the hint, easing the tension with a small chuckle and pulling them down her legs. Her sigh was met with a hum of approval from him. The look of greed in his eyes causing her to blush.

  “I want you, Em. I really want you.”

  Propping herself up on her elbows, she swallowed her nerves and reached out, taking his erection in her hand. “You have me, Asher. I’m here and thanks to you, I’m now kind of naked.”

  A dark brow rose up his forehead. “Kind of?”

  “Okay, so very naked. Stop stalling.” She pumped his hard-on, enjoying the sight of him as he tossed his head back and grunted. “And have me.”

  He kissed her, a hot, passionate kiss that left her reeling. While his mouth made love to hers, she heard him open the drawer next to bed, and he broke the kiss to tear a foil packet open. She still grasped him and had begun to pump his erection, but on seeing the condom, she let go and rested back on the bed.

  Lust bloomed bright within her belly, her bloodstream flowing with fire. Her lazy gaze drifted over his defined torso. He was more muscled than she’d expected, but still pulled off lean, rather than buff. Emma liked what she saw. His running kept him fit, but the man must do some weights too. Lifting boxfuls of books probably helped though.

  She touched his stomach when he came forward, careful to avoid the scars. This wasn’t the time to talk about those. His muscles bunched against her fingertips. Nerves rose again, and she dropped her hand when he lifted her leg. Asher brought his lips to her ankle, and he began kissing a slow, sensual path toward her core.

  She giggled.

  “Ticklish?” he asked, though he didn’t stop.

  “A little. Asher?” He hummed and kissed the inside of her knee. “I’m loving your seduction. I really am, but I’m getting rather…hot here. I need you.”

  He flashed her a grin that would have melted her underwear if she’d still been wearing them. He dropped her leg and prowled up her body, leaving her in no doubt that Asher felt exactly the same. His kiss sealed the deal, his tongue caressing hers while his hand massaged her breast. With each flick he delivered to her nipple she squirmed a bit more. Urging him closer, she wrapped her legs around his hips, exhaling as his skin pressed deliciously against hers.

  Emma’s eyes fluttered closed, the feel of his erection nestled against her heated sex was intense, enough to take her breath away. If that alone caused such a reaction, how was she going to cope when he entered her?

  That question didn’t hover in her mind very long, because on another deep kiss Asher rolled his hips and thrust into her heat.

  “Oh fuck,” he exclaimed, his hips rocking again.

  Arching her back, Emma met him, thrust for gentle thrust. It was a languid, tender coupling, where each touch, kiss, and exhale revealed so much and delivered a balm to their anxiety. Emma held him close, allowing him to set the pace and carry her away on the most intense experience she’d ever felt. Her nails dug into his shoulder, her teeth nipping at his bottom lip. Her thighs shuddered, her muscles tightening in a slow, divine build up.

  His thrusts grew quicker, more intense, as his breathing grew heavy and laboured.

  Emma rolled them over, laughing at Asher’s widening eyes. She rode him, trying to keep his rhythm. Straddling his hips this way let her catch her breath. Asher was so deep inside her—the sensation overwhelming. She tossed her head back, covering Asher’s hand where it palmed her breast. His hips were bucking to match hers, and the small sparks of her orgasm coiled low in her belly.

  Asher grunted, exposing the column of his throat when he lifted his jaw and cried out.

  Emma gasped, feeling him thicken inside her as he came. She looked down at him as her vision started to blur. The man was amazing, all sinew and sex. Utterly lost in the feelings coursing through him. He gripped her thighs, bucking his hips against her and sending her tumbling into ecstasy. Her toes curled, the hot, dreamy waves of orgasm lapping over her body.

  Emma dropped forward, pressing her ear to his heaving chest. Asher’s arms banded around her and he kissed the top of her head. She closed her eyes, too amazed to speak. Her last thought before she was lulled to sleep was of how safe she felt in Asher’s arms.

  Chapter 15


  “Excuse me? Hello?”

  Startled, Asher blinked and hissed when the hot coffee spilled over the edge of the mug he held. He’d been thinking, remembering last night. Recalling how Emma felt in his arms. He should be working but just couldn’t focus.

  He wiped the sleeve of his top on his jeans. “Sorry,” he said, glancing up at his customer. “What can I do for you?”

  The man’s eyes thinned, his gaze sweeping over Asher before he grimaced while speaking. “Kincaid. Alu Kincaid. I’m looking for early work. Hopefully first editions.”

  Asher thought, racking his brains. Recalling most authors wasn’t a problem, but this one in particular wasn’t one he’d been asked for before. He lifted a finger. “Let me check. I’m not sure what I have.”

  He moved across to his laptop, scrolling through the index of books he held until he hit upon Alu Kincaid. “I’ve got a first of Feathered Isolation, a signed copy of Lace in Blue, though it’s not a first. Oh, and I have a copy of Floated.”

  The customer hummed and pushed his wire-rimmed glasses back up his nose. “I was hoping for a first of Floated, or Cascades.”

  Asher rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry. Um, I could phone around a bit. I have a few contacts. Can’t promise anything though.”


  “Any urgency for them?” Picking up a notepad, he began jotting down the titles of the books.

  “No. They’re for my own collection. They obviously have to be good condition. And just because you locate them doesn’t mean I will purchase them.”

  Asher flushed, disliking the man’s abruptness. “Understood. How about you leave your number, and I’ll call you with any news. I’m sure I can get you something. My contacts are pretty good.” He waited while the man scribbled his name and number on the paper before he spoke again. “Is there a limit on the price?”

  He chuckled, but Asher suspected it wasn’t from amusement. “We’ll talk when you have the books to offer.”

  The sound of a stair creaking had his blood pressure soaring. He spun to face the stairs leading to his flat, expecting to see Emma on them. However, she wasn’t there. He must have been imagining the noise.

  Turning his attention back the customer, Asher blinked toward the empty space. The tinkle of the bell above the door told him the man had gone. So much for pleasantries.

  “Are we alone?”

  A tickle of lust whispered up his spine a
t the sound of Emma’s voice. The tickle became a full on tremble when her hand rested at the base of his spine. The woman floored him.

  “If you’re asking if I have any customers then the answer is no.”

  “Then it’s okay for me to be down here in just your shirt?”

  Asher growled, twisting so that he could loop his arms around her waist and press her against the wall. His dick began to harden immediately. “I was waiting for you to wake, but I had to open the shop. I’m sorry you woke alone.”

  Her smile had his knees buckling. “That’s so cute.”

  “What is?” He started to kiss along her jaw, needing the extra connection. His finger trailed up her thigh, the softness of her skin sending his hormones crazy.

  “You apologising for leaving me in bed. I’m positive that’s a first for me. I like it.”

  Asher placed his lips just under her earlobe. “I like you.”

  “Again, cute.”

  Unsure how to respond, his pressed his lips to hers and kissed her deep. He moved his hand to cup her buttock, thrilled to feel she still wasn’t wearing any underwear.

  The bell above the door rang, and to hide Emma’s current state of dress, he moved them into the corridor that lead to his flat as he continued to kiss her. She was becoming his addiction.

  “I shouldn’t be distracting you. You’re working.”

  Lifting a finger, he whispered, “One minute,” and popped his head around the door. “I’m just out back. If you need me, yell, okay?” He didn’t wait for the customer to respond before returning to Emma. “All sorted. Would you like some coffee?”

  She looked at him through hooded eyes. Eyes that were causing his groin to tighten with desire. She was using some sort of girlie voodoo on him. She had to be.

  “It’s a little late. I should go home and clean up. I have to work this afternoon.”

  “Your dad or the shelter?”

  “Both. An hour or so at Dad’s firm, then onto the shelter for the afternoon. Though I think my dad will be more interested in asking about you than leaving me to work.”