Behind the Scandal Read online

Page 13

  Taylor assessed his brother, surprised to find himself believing what Kyran said. It left him with two choices. He could be truthful and finally have his say, or he could tell his brother to leave and retreat to the solitude of the stables.

  He took a deep breath and lowered his head. “You abandoned me,” he muttered, feeling incredibly childish.

  Kyran nodded and scrubbed his hand over his shaved head. “I can understand why you think that.”

  “Gracious of you,” Taylor said as a grimace contorted his face. He should have fled.

  Kyran held up his hand. “Hear me out.” He looked to the ceiling and sighed. “You were a fucking mess, bro. I tried. I tried so hard to cover for you, to wait out whatever you were going through, but your situation kept getting worse and worse. Eventually, I had no excuses left for you. For Christ’s sake, you OD’d on the bathroom floor! We had no choice but to send you here.”

  “Fuck that! You had plenty of choices.”

  “Really?” Kyran narrowed his eyes. “Like what—rehab?” He threw his head back, laughing so loud Taylor flinched. “Dale drove you to the goddamned door, and you walked away. I told you, we tried, but you kept snorting, kept showing up to work higher than a kite or jonesing. How much shit did you expect us to take? How long did you want me to keep covering for you? I paid off your dealer and got very little thanks. You just kept taking.”

  Taylor shoved his fingers through his hair before massaging his neck. His brother had a point, but not one he was happy to acknowledge. “I’d hoped you cared enough to find out why I was acting like that. Dale was the only one who came close.”

  “Oh please! Get over yourself, Taylor. Every single day I saw that something was going on with you. Do you think I covered for you for the hell of it? No. I did it because I thought eventually you’d come to me and confess.” He groaned. “I’ve spent most of my life being your parent. I’m tired, and I’d prefer to be your brother. Your friend.”

  Taylor stared at his brother, hardly recognizing him anymore. Had Kyran changed that much since getting together with Dale? Or was Taylor the one who had changed, now that he was sober? He knew one thing for sure, and that was neither of them were the angry, hurt men they’d been a few months ago.

  “I’m clean,” he said, shocked to find his own chest filling with pride. He was clean, and he’d been strong enough to detox alone.

  Kyran placed his hand on Taylor’s shoulder and squeezed. “Excellent. That’s real good.” He smiled, tentative. “I’m—”

  “I didn’t do it for you—not that I had a choice.”

  His brother’s jaw stiffened. “So you still want to use? You’ve detoxed because you had no other choice?”

  Anger flared within him, and he fisted his hands tight. It was two steps forward and three back. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “It sure sounded like that to me, but fine, I’ll drop it. Honestly, Taylor, I came here to set things right—to see how you’re doing. But I also have a bit of information to pass on, that you asked for. A phone number of someone who might be able to help you. Dad said you asked for more help.”

  “I did.”

  “Taylor!” Libby strode through the door and into his arms. Her body shuddered as he enveloped her in a hug, and a cold dread filled his system. Something was very wrong.

  Cupping Libby’s chin, he lifted her face. “Blue, what’s wrong? Where have you been?”

  She let out a stuttering breath, silent as she passed him a piece of paper.

  He took it from her, rubbing her back with his other hand. He read over the sentences three times before they sunk in.

  Time is almost up, little rabbit. I want what’s mine.

  Chapter 16

  Taylor’s body shook from the force of Libby’s sobs. Every cell within him yearned to comfort her—to take her away and run like she wanted. But he’d vowed to help her and promised she could remain in Hunter’s Hollow. Running still wasn’t the answer.

  “Everything okay?”

  Taylor looked up, surprised to hear his brother’s voice. He’d forgotten for a moment that he was in the room. The world around him had dissolved the moment Libby cried his name.

  Taylor gave a sharp shake of his head.

  “Do you guys need a minute alone?” Kyran walked to the door, his gaze flicking back to them. “I’ll go and find Dale. Let’s talk when you can, Taylor. I’d really like to finish our conversation.”

  Taylor nodded, then raised the piece of paper and read it again. Sickness clawed up his throat, the acid taste causing his mouth to water. He swallowed as Libby whimpered. “Shh, I’ll figure it out, babe. I promise.”

  “I should have gone. I knew I should have gone.” She pushed at his chest. “I have to leave. I can’t let him get this close. I’ve been checking the land every day, taking the horses out and making sure he wasn’t hanging around and watching.” Her breath hitched. “I’ve been trying so hard to keep everything normal for Levi. I don’t want to scare him, but I’ve got no choice now.”

  He tightened his arms around her. “So that’s where you’ve been going. I wondered what you were up to, leaving Levi with Josh so much.”

  “If Chase is watching, it’s better that he sees me alone. One look and Chase will know Levi is his. They’re carbon copies of one another.” She shuddered. “I’m supposed to protect him.”

  Taylor heard the despair in her voice. He understood she wanted to run, but there wasn’t a chance in hell he’d let the situation get so out of hand. “You’re not leaving.”

  “You know I need to protect Levi, and if that means leaving, then that’s it. Taylor, please!” She pounded her fists against his chest. He took every blow as tears streamed down her face, each one making his chest tighten a little more.

  “Blue, you’re killing me.”

  She pushed at him again, one last feeble thump before dropping her forehead to his chest. His arms ached from the vise hold, and when Libby sagged a little, he loosened his stance.

  “Let me go,” she said, her words muffled by his body. “I h-have to go.”

  “You came to me, babe, so I know you don’t really want to leave. You want me to help, and I will.”

  Libby lifted her head, her watery eyes wide with fear. “How?” she asked. “How are you going to stop him? I told you what he was like. I told you what he did!”

  “Yeah, you did. And I assume those scars on your back are courtesy of him, too. I see the fear in your face every time you mention that bastard’s name. I know you’re petrified, but I swear to you I’m going to end this.”

  “You keep saying that, but he’ll hurt you, too, just like he hurt me. He’ll hurt Levi. Oh God, my baby,” she said and whimpered. “I just need to protect him. He’s all that matters.” A tear slipped down her cheek. “Let me go, Taylor.”

  Her plea hit him hard and knocked the air from his lungs. His stomach twisted, and his pulse quickened as dread trickled through his bloodstream.

  “I can’t,” he said. He skimmed the tips of his fingers along her jaw. “I can’t let you walk out of my life, Blue. My world has been one big fuckup for years. I do everything wrong, and yet with you . . . with you I seem to get it right. You make me better. You make me right. I’m not letting you go.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “That’s why I’ll end this mess. Chase won’t put one more fucking finger on you.”

  She shivered. “That’s some speech, but you’re being selfish. You know why I can’t stay. You’ve seen what he did to me. Those scars will never leave me. They’re forever.”

  Taking a deep breath, Taylor steeled himself. “Tell me what he did to you.”

  She closed her eyes and shook her head.

  “You’re not shutting me out. I’m tired of it.” Holding her tight, he stepped over to the couch and pulled her onto his lap. He stroked his hand down her spine, and she rested her head on his shoulder. Her lips ended up millimeters from his ear, and when she spoke, the pain in her voice was magnified.
  “He found me.” She snuggled closer. “Levi was fourteen months old. He’d been sick with a stomach flu and ended up spending the night in hospital. Dehydration hits kids hard. I’d gone back to the motel we were staying at to get him some clean clothes. Chase was there—two rooms down. I ran, but I wasn’t fast enough.” Her breath hitched. “His hands were so strong around my throat. I knew it was over—that I’d never see Levi again.”

  The sickness sloshing in Taylor’s stomach heightened, and no amount of soothing caresses along her spine or tender kisses on the top of her head helped.

  “The cold calculation was the worst. Chase had a short fuse, he acted on impulse, but this time it was different. He dragged me back to his room.” Her voice lowered. “By my hair.”

  “Oh God.” Taylor wanted to weep for her. He touched her, stroked her thighs, arms, and back. She was here—she’d survived. But knowing that didn’t stop the dread burning through his veins.

  “I tried to get away. I fought back. That’s where the scars come from. Chase threw me into the glass shower door in the motel bathroom. I ended up in the same hospital as Levi.”


  Libby wriggled in his lap, clutching at his shirt as she tried again to get closer to him. “The owner of the motel heard the commotion. He was banging on the door and unlocked it as he heard the glass break.” She sniffed. “Chase couldn’t talk his way out of it fast enough, so he said I fell while we were arguing.”

  “How did you get away from him?” He hated asking, hated making her relive those moments.

  “During the night. After the doctor stitched me up, I knew I had no choice. Levi was going to be discharged the day afterward, anyway. I felt sure Chase didn’t know about him, and I wasn’t going to risk it.” Her watery gaze met his. “I won’t risk it this time either. No matter how much I want to stay.”

  “But what if you’d said something to the doctors, or to the motel owner? They would have believed you—the evidence was all over your back. Shit, babe, it still is!”

  Libby shrugged as if the many scars on her back were nothing more than freckles. No matter how long she’d been there in Hunter’s Hollow, he could bet her mind was never far from Chase. It certainly put his own problems into perspective. His issues with Kyran were childish, and his addiction seemed ridiculous.

  Needing the connection, and wanting to comfort her, he pressed his lips to hers. He didn’t rush, instead kissing her with slow, gentle movements. She relaxed against him, sighing as he peppered her face with quick pecks. “You’re going nowhere,” he said. “We’re going to stop him for good.” Libby started to protest but Taylor continued. “I think you should tell Josh.”

  Libby shook her head. “No. No way. I can’t repeat it again.”

  “Josh will understand, and you’ve already said you think he suspects something like this anyway. Josh should be a part of this. Come on, Blue, trust me. Please?”

  “I do. More than anyone besides Josh.”

  “So let me help.”

  He watched as she wrestled with her thoughts before she finally gave in. “Okay. But I mean it when I say if I spot Chase anywhere near here, I’m gone, and I’m taking Levi with me.”

  Taylor agreed and smiled. “Fine, but you can’t leave tomorrow. Levi would be devastated if he didn’t get his bike.”

  Libby’s small chuckle lightened the weight that seemed to be pressing down on his chest. He could breathe again.

  “I don’t know what we can do, Taylor. I don’t see how he can be stopped.”

  “I’ll work something out. Even if it’s as simple as getting my brother to beat the crap out of him.”

  Libby slapped her hand over her mouth. “That was your brother! I’m so sorry I interrupted you two.” She climbed off his lap and held out her hands to help him to his feet. “Did you know he was visiting?”

  Taylor shook his head and grimaced. “We have a bit of a troubled relationship.”

  “Because of the drugs?” She linked her fingers with his.

  “Some of it’s because of that. Most of it starts way before—when we were kids.” He kissed the tip of her nose again, trying to make himself feel better, to fill the void that always opened up when he thought of his mother. “My mom died when I was small. Dad couldn’t deal with the loss, so he worked day and night. Kyran had no choice but to be my surrogate parent. I hated him because he wasn’t my father, and yet he told me what to do, where to go, and even chastised me when I stepped out of line.”

  “So resentment stands between you and your brother?”


  “Then we both have a sea of shit we need to sort out.”

  Taylor smiled and tugged her until her chest pressed against his. “We’re a mess, aren’t we?”

  “Some things are solvable.”

  He kissed her, taking his time and sucking gently on her bottom lip. “I’d be far more fucked up without you.” After giving her another quick hug, he lowered her feet to the floor. “I suppose it’s time you met my brother.”

  “Can I show Dale my horse, Mom? Please? I’ve finished my dinner, see?” Levi asked, bouncing in his chair.

  Taylor watched as Libby shot her son a wan smile, her eyes filling with sadness. He could see she’d given up. To her there was no other option than to run from her demon. Taylor knew otherwise, and although his demon had been of a different form, he couldn’t help but draw parallels.

  “I think you should ask Dale first, Levi.”

  “It’s okay,” Dale said, pushing her chair back and standing up. “I’d love to see your horse. What’s her name?”

  Levi grinned and beckoned Dale toward the door. “Candy. She’s really cool.”

  “Levi, stay in the stable,” Libby said, her tone serious. “I mean it. And don’t leave without Dale. Hold her hand and stay very close.”

  Levi scowled then nodded while he waited for Dale.

  Taylor glanced over to see Dale kissing Kyran. The moment was intimate, even though it was nothing more than a quick peck. Taylor frowned, seeing the affection between the two of them. Kyran appeared calmer than Taylor had ever seen him. Dale had changed his brother, much like Libby was changing him.

  He shook off the emotions surging within him. “Could you stay, Kyran? Libby and I would like to talk to you. And you as well, Josh.”

  Their uncle nodded before clearing away the dinner plates and cutlery. Libby reached for Taylor’s hand under the table.

  “Everything okay?” Kyran asked as Dale and Levi left and the door slammed closed behind them.

  Libby cleared her throat. “I need your help,” she whispered, squeezing Taylor’s fingers hard.

  “We need your help,” Taylor said.

  “You’ve got it,” Kyran said. “Whatever you need.”

  Josh sat down, his expression serious. “You in trouble?”

  To Taylor’s surprise, Libby nodded and hung her head.

  “Please tell me you didn’t knock her up, brother. The deal was no women.”

  Taylor rolled his eyes. “Give me a break. For once, the problem isn’t me, and you can stick your no women clause. Libby isn’t pregnant—not that it would be a big deal if she were.”

  Libby’s head snapped up, her eyes searching his as her skin blushed. “Are you serious?”

  Taylor stifled a smile before turning back to his brother. “I don’t give a shit what the deal was. I’m clean. That’s all that matters to you—to Dad. You make out like I had a long line of women, but the major flaw in your argument is the drugs made it goddamned difficult for me to keep the excitement going, if you get me. So shove your sanctimonious crap right up your a—”

  “Enough!” Josh shouted and slapped his palm on the wood table. “You two are worse than toddlers. So far we’ve learned that Libby isn’t pregnant and, if you don’t mind, Kyran, I’d like to know what is going on rather than what isn’t. The two of you can have your pissing contest later, when Libby isn’t in need of help.” />
  Kyran gave a curt nod as Taylor rested the hand entwined with Libby’s on top of the table. It was a declaration of sorts, and maybe he was goading his brother just a little. He braced himself for a backlash, but if their joined hands bothered Kyran, he didn’t say anything. It was Libby who broke the silence.

  “I haven’t been completely honest with you, Josh. I’m sorry, but I was protecting my child. And myself. You gave me a home—I’m so thankful for that—and after I explain, I hope you’ll understand why I kept my past from you.”

  Josh gave a sad smile. “I think I know, Lib. Think I’ve always known. I’m assuming he’s caught up with you now that you’re finally telling me.”

  Libby took a deep breath and leaned into Taylor. Without thinking, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Fuck Kyran and his deal.

  “You knew?” she asked.

  “You were like a startled deer those first few weeks. Only time made you come out of your shell. I suppose you’d better give me the details so I can hunt the bastard down.”

  “That’s not what Libby wants, Josh. That’s why I wanted Kyran to hear this.” Taylor looked at his brother. “I need to ask him for money . . . again. If that asshole wants his money, then he can have it and fuck off. He can have what’s his, and leave Libby alone to live her damn life.”

  Chapter 17

  The plan had been set in motion. They were going to pay Chase off with more money than Libby had ever dreamed of. More money than she’d stolen from him. She had no clue how she would ever pay it back to the Reeses, why these people were helping her, or if it was going to work, but Taylor seemed to think it would. She was willing to give it a try, and she hoped Chase would take the cash and leave her to live her life.

  Levi snored lightly and muttered before turning onto his side and tugging the blanket around him. Libby smiled and placed the book she’d been reading to him back on the shelf. After playing for most of the day with Dale, he was exhausted and had even fallen asleep without complaint or requests for an extra ten minutes.

  Guilt coiled in her chest as she reflected on the lack of time she’d spent with him over the last few days. She’d been too consumed with the rapid pace at which her past was catching up with her. Dale and Josh deserved her gratitude for their patience; Taylor’s brother deserved far more.