Igniting Ash Read online

Page 18

  A timid knock at the door had her yelling again. “Go away, Meagan!”

  The door opened causing Emma’s head to snap up. “I told you to…”

  Asher filled the space, shuffling uncomfortably as he shot her an awkward smile. “Would you like me to go too? Or just Meagan? I didn’t see her in the corridor, by the way.”

  Conflicting emotions swept through her. She was relieved to see him, somewhat calmed by his proximity, and yet wanted to shout at him just like she’d done to her friend. Emma hated the whirlwind within her; she hated being at odds with so many people.

  “You can stay,” she replied. “But only if you say something I like.”

  Asher nodded and closed the door. Keeping his gaze lowered he moved around the desk to get to her. Emma waited, wanting to know why he was here before she spoke. She’d laid herself open to him last night. She wouldn’t do it again without a hint of movement from him. There had to be more before she took another step.

  Emma followed him, twisting her chair around to face him, and when his eyes snapped up to meet hers what she saw made her breath catch. His brown eyes swirled with heat…lust, so intense she swallowed the anticipation rising within her. She grasped the arms of the chair, the air between them growing hotter, thicker, when he leaned in bracketing her body by placing his hands on the desk either side of her.

  Asher’s breathing was ragged. He tried to speak, opening his mouth three times before snapping it closed. Emma stared at him, attempting to work out what was going on with him. When he’d arrived he’d appeared uncertain, but the longer he remained in front of her the more intense he became. The air around them crackled with power, a pulsing strength she wasn’t used to from him. She wanted to know what had caused it and where this had come from. “What are you doing here?”

  He closed his eyes momentarily, his voice sounding raw when he spoke. “You,” he replied.

  “What about me, Asher? Tell me why you’ve come here.”

  “I…I don’t want to be anywhere else, Em. I’ve tried.”

  Her heart crashed against her chest. His words hitting her hard. “Asher, I—”

  He shook his head, his gaze boring into hers. Emma gulped. Flames of arousal began licking at her skin, her nipples budding and pushing against the cup of her bra. It may have been an aspect of Asher she’d never experienced before, but it was one she liked.

  “You told me that…you loved me,” he said, his voice gruff.

  Emma swallowed. “I did. I’m not going to take it ba—”

  She didn’t finish. Asher pressed his mouth to hers taking her breath away as well as her words. His arms remained on her desk, only his lips touched hers, and yet she felt him with every inch of her body. She’d been consumed by him before, had immersed herself in his seduction but this time it was very different. The kiss was rough, hot, devouring. His tongue stroked, teased, and lapped at hers, and the waves of lust rolled right the way down to her toes. Her hips rolled in the chair, her hands clenching at the arms. This was far from how she’d envisioned their next interaction to be, although she couldn’t bring herself to halt it. Even if she was curious to know where his intensity had come from.

  As if hearing her thoughts, Asher tore his lips from hers and stared. He still caged her in, still holding her hostage in the office chair. Her heart beat heavy and loud, and by the look of Asher’s face, along with his rapid breathing, his was working as fast as hers.

  “You want me,” she stated rather than questioned. Emma felt it; she didn’t need him to confirm it.

  Asher nodded. “You gut me. You twist me up and slash at my composure. My life had balance. My life had structure, then you blew it all apart with a smile. I don’t know what to fucking do about you.”

  Letting go of the arm of the chair, Emma placed her palm on his chest. The heavy thud of his heart pounded against it. “And yet you’ve come here because you didn’t want to be alone.”

  “No. Alone I’m used to. I didn’t want to be without you.”

  It wasn’t a reciprocation of love, but it was one hell of a step forward for him. Emma decided not to push and to accept what he was giving her. She leaned forward and kissed him. He relaxed, coming closer to deepen the caress. His lips still held an edge, they hadn’t lessened in their dominance, and because of that her lust reignited. It broke her heart that he accepted being alone, but raised her hopes that he’d come to her when he needed to.

  His lips moved roughly over hers, his tongue dipping into her mouth for the smallest of tastes. Emma rode the wave he’d created, her thighs squeezing together each time his tongue delivered a gentle stroke. The man was potent. One kiss and she was ready for him.

  She laughed, the giggle bubbling up and bursting into his mouth. Asher reared his head back and raised a brow.

  “I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you.”

  “Then what?” Those eyes that surged with a dark intensity only moments before now thinned with accusations.

  Emma winced, embarrassed to tell him what she had been thinking, though at the same time if she didn’t confess Asher would assume she’d been laughing at him. “It was a silly thought. It popped into my head at the wrong time.”

  His lips thinned.

  “Okay. Okay, I thought that you were potent. That your kiss was all it took to have me ready.”

  A frown creased his forehead. “Ready?” A heartbeat past. Two. “Oh! Ready?”

  Heat radiated across her chest and cheeks. Her temperature escalated when he licked his lips. Slowly. “So you’re ready? Now? Here?”

  “I…you…” Her gaze shot toward the door. “Here?”

  Asher’s chuckle rippled through the air. He held out his hand and pulled her up out of the chair when she took it. “I’d fuck you anywhere, angel. However, I can see your office doesn’t appeal to you, so how about we leave?”

  A thrill of excitement shot to her core at the crudeness of his words. No other man could make her melt by using such terms. In fact, in the past she’d been turned off by such things. Asher appeared to be the exception in many areas of her life.

  Derailing her train of thought, Asher wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her neck. “I need to be with you, Em. I know I’m not giving you the declaration you want but I’m giving you what I have.”

  “And that is?” she asked, stalling him. She would need more from him. She had to know this relationship was heading in the right direction.

  “I’m giving you me. And I’m asking you to wait.”


  Asher kissed her forehead. “For all of me. Angel, there is no one else in this world I want to be able to say those words to. I know you’re mine, but my issues make me roadblock myself. Please wait for me, Em. I’m giving you every part that I can. Please wait for the rest.”

  Emma didn’t answer him. Instead, she took his hand and led him toward the office door, snagging her bag and coat on the way out.

  Chapter 22

  Emma hummed and stretched out across the bed. She grinned when her hand came into contact with a warm, muscled body. The same body that had covered hers and pulsed with desire only hours before.

  Asher took her breath away. His warring emotions and deep-seated need to show her he cared drove their coupling to new heights. He’d been bold, dominant, his touch urgent, and each time they’d neared the pinnacle, he’d made sure she fell first.

  She stretched again, rolling onto her side to be greeted by Asher’s smile. “Morning, angel.”

  “Hey.” Reaching out, she stroked her fingertips across his forehead. “Look at you all smiley and relaxed. If I didn’t know better, Mr. Harris, I’d say you were happy.”

  His grin grew. “Nah, sex does that to a bloke. Didn’t you know?”

  “Idiot,” she laughed, pushing at his chest.

  His hands snapped out, manacling her wrists. A low growl emanated from his lips as he rolled her onto her back, covering her with his body and keeping her arms raised.
br />   She hissed as his skin met hers, and groaned when his erection pressed against her thigh.

  “I’m a what?” he asked.

  My god, she loved this side to him.

  “You heard me. I know you’re not hard of hearing.”

  He quirked a brow. “I wasn’t, but after the amount of screaming you did last night I think that could have changed.”

  Embarrassed by his statement, she closed her eyes. Not that she could avoid him. Asher was holding her, on top of her and completely surrounding her. Every part of her moulded against a part of him. Divine.

  “Your noises were hot. Just so you know.” He nuzzled her neck as he rocked his hips against her. Emma swallowed. “I also want it noted that I really enjoyed you riding me.”


  His laughter ripped through the air, and when she opened her eyes, she lost her shyness. The man was teasing her, and his happiness illuminated his face, leaving her with no other option but to smile back.

  “What? I’m just being truthful.”

  “You can’t go being all carefree and joyful now. I’ve spent too long dealing with the stoic, yet cocky you. I’d gotten a hold on that.”

  Asher rolled his hips again. “You getting a hold of me is exactly what I was hoping would happen this morning.”

  He kissed her, his mouth slanted over hers, his tongue stroking over her bottom lip. A familiar sigh left her lips as she lifted her legs and wrapped her thighs around his hips. His kissed a path along her jaw, his thumb stroking the inside of her wrist at the same time.

  “Haven’t you had enough? I thought you’d be worn out after last night.”

  “And this morning…”

  “Yes, this morning too.”

  “I doubt,” he replied smoothing his hands down her arms as he let her arms go free, “I could never get enough of you. I told you yesterday—you slash at everything I’ve spent a lifetime erecting. You’re like a fucking whirlwind.”

  “I’ve never been described as that. I’m the good, responsible girl.”

  Something sparked in Asher’s eyes, something dark and very arousing. “Oh, Em, you have no idea how much I like the idea of tarnishing your good girl image. How about I continue with my dirty plan now? You had better be covered, babe, because I’m not getting off you to find a fucking condom.”

  Emma had no chance to respond before he took hold of her hip and rocked against her until he entered her, slow and deep.

  “Still so wet for me,” he said on an exhale. “Still so ready.”

  She sighed his name, lost in the heady sensation of his gentle thrusts and intimate stretch. Pushing her fingers into his hair, she held his head close, unable to break eye contact with him. She watched every emotion play across his face, noticed when he liked the way she clung to him, saw his enjoyment when she thrust back and knew when he was growing close to orgasm. Not ready for that yet, Emma rose up and rolled him onto his back.

  “Are you going to use me up, angel?” He placed his hands behind his head.

  “You’re the one with that particular fantasy, not me.”

  “Then what’s yours? The bad boy corrupting the rich girl? Because I think I already did that.”

  Emma frowned, sliding her fingertips up and down his chest. “You’re no bad boy, and I’ve told you I’m not rich. Don’t ruin this, Ash.”

  He winced before rising up on his elbows and kissing her hard. “I’m being a prick. Ignore me.”

  “Bit difficult when I’m sat on top of you and your…well…” His mocking smile didn’t help her awkwardness. In fact, it only annoyed her. She huffed. “When your dick is so close to me. It’s too distracting for me to ignore.”

  A low rumble started deep in Asher’s chest, and seconds later he moved, carrying her with him. She squealed and wrapped her legs around his waist, enjoying the moment with him. Her arms coiled around his neck, her finger delving into his messy hair. “Where are we going?”

  “Shower,” he bit out, groping the cheeks of her bottom. “Time you got wet.”

  Feeling a little bold, she replied, “If you reach forward a bit more you’ll see I already am.”

  “Oh, I know that.” He flicked on the shower, waiting for the spray to heat before he carried her into the cascade. Her back hit the tiles as his mouth crushed against hers. Asher continued his assault, his kiss deepening as his dick demanded entrance.

  Emma was close to begging. The teasing in the bedroom moments before just incited her further. “Asher,” she gasped.

  “Shh, angel. I’m here.”

  Adjusting his hold of her arse had the tip of his erection entering her. Water rained down, splashing on her nipples and causing her to writhe from the exquisite torture.

  She bucked her hips, needing more of him. Needing all of him. Desire curled tight inside her, every touch, pulse and kiss causing it to constrict further. “Asher, please.”

  A low chuckle filtered through her lust-filled haze. She was ready to go crazy if he didn’t act soon.

  “Easy.” His kissed her, and thrust in deep. Her thighs clenched as their moaned mingled in the raising steam. “Home,” he whispered. “With you I’m home.”

  “Oh, Asher.” His small confessions, ones like that, gave her hope. She would wait until he was ready to admit more, because he would. She felt his love every time he kissed her. He just wasn’t able to convey that yet, and right now she was more than happy to get carried away on the wave of lust that was hitting her. Every thrust, every heavy slap of wet skin, and every lick to her nipples gave her what she needed. She lost herself in him, driven by her arousal and the need to ignite Asher’s own.

  Burying his face in the crook of her neck, Asher whispered tender words. He cupped her breast, flicking at the nipple, before skimming his palm along her slick torso. His fingers crept between their joined bodies, adding pressure to her tight bud. Emma bucked, her back bowing against the tiles as she tossed her head back.

  “Fucking sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. But I want more.” He circled her clit faster. “Fall for me. Fall.”

  “Already fallen, Asher. I love you,” she sobbed, clinging to him as her lust unfurled and hit her hard. Wave after wave washed over her, leaving her skin sensitive to his every caress. She writhed against him, clenching her thighs as his pumping hips grew faster and forceful. He nipped at her neck, grunting with every thrust. She cradled his head, threading her fingers through his sopping wet hair, before letting them drift limply down his spine.

  Asher stiffened, his hoarse cry muffled by her shoulder, as his hot, wet completion entered her sex. They moaned in unison, both slumping down the tiles to sit on the shower floor. The water continued to rain down, only now it was cooling. Emma shivered. Asher tightened his hold on her. “That got out of control really quickly. Sorry.”

  Smiling against his arm, Emma shook her head. “No apology needed. We were both naked. Last night should prove that we can’t do that unless we want it to spiral.”

  “I like it spiralling. I like you totally out of control.”

  A loud buzz cut into their moment, startling Emma and making Asher grumble. He stood up, pulling her to her feet. “Forgot I told Gabe to get here early today. That’ll be him at the shop door.”

  “Oh,” she said, allowing him to lead her into the bedroom.

  He opened a drawer, pulling out two T-shirts and tossing one across to her.

  “I have my own clothes, Ash.”

  “Not here you don’t. You’ve spent the night in my bed. I want you remembering that for the rest of the day.” He pulled his T-shirt over his head, raising his arms and stretching out his torso. Emma licked her lips as she drank in every inch of his chest and stomach.

  “I don’t need help recalling last night. Asher, I can still feel you inside of me.”

  His smirk told her she’d said just the right thing. “Good. Now you can smell me too.” He kissed her quickly and pulled on a pair of sweatpants. “I’ll let Gabe in.”

  Emma grabbed a towel from a stack on the shelves and watched him leave as she perched on the end of the bed. She scrubbed at her hair. The sheets were still crumpled, clothes were still strewn across the floor and her body still vibrated from the orgasm Asher had drawn from her. The night had been amazing. Asher had been amazing, and she couldn’t stop the huge smile that was now spreading across her face. With him she’d been bold and hadn’t been too shy to show him what she wanted. Asher had given her his all. She knew that without question.

  Still smiling, she dried herself and tugged on his T-shirt, inhaling his scent before letting the fabric slip down her body. After tying her hair up in a messy bun she walked back to the bathroom to switch off the shower. The rumble of voices floated up from the shop, along with a deep chuckle. Wanting to see that happiness reflected on Asher’s face, Emma tugged on her leggings and rushed down the stairs. As she rounded the counter she met Gabe’s green gaze.

  “Hey, Priss. Didn’t expect you to be here this early.” He looked to her wet hair and down to her bare feet. “Oh. I get it.”

  Asher pointed at him. “None of your business. Keep your nose out.”

  “Nothing to do with me,” Gabe shrugged before offering up a quick smirk. “Whatcha wanting me to do today?”

  “Wipe that smirk off your face to start with. Don’t go telling me that you haven’t enjoyed a bit of fun recently.” He stared at Gabe knowingly. “If you do, I’ll remind you of why I know you’re lying.”

  The kid shrugged again. “She was hot. And I told you not to say anything to Priss.”

  A bark of laughter flew from Asher. “I didn’t tell her. However, you just did.”

  Emma studied the two of them, liking how much they had already bonded. Gabe had obviously shared a secret of two, and that meant he trusted Asher. Everything was going as she’d hoped.

  “I do not want to know what you’ve been getting up to with anyone,” she said, moving across the shop toward Asher. She slipped her arm around his waist and leaned into his side. “You have enough going on in your life without complicating it further.”