Benath the Surface (Reluctance #1) Read online

Page 19

  Dale shoved at his chest in an attempt to drag herself away from him. When he wouldn’t let go of her robe, she removed her arms from it, leaving him with a handful of lilac material. She placed her hands on her hips, her chest heaving against the tight tank top she wore. There was no repulsion in her expression, merely shock.

  “You . . . you can’t do that, Kyran.” She touched her lips.

  “I don’t understand why not.”

  “Because we’re not doing this anymore. We’re friends.”

  He grinned. “With benefits.”

  “No,” Dale replied, shaking her head.

  Kyran dropped her robe to the floor and snapped his arm out, locking his fingers around her wrist.

  “Don’t—” Dale mumbled as he wrapped her in his arms. Her vanilla scent enveloped him. Kyran inhaled deeply, having missed her scent far more than he would ever admit. She was under his skin. No matter how hard he tried to rid himself of her hold, he couldn’t. He didn’t want to.

  “Ky, please don’t.”

  “Don’t what?” he asked into the crook of her neck. Stroking the tip of his nose along her throat, Kyran ignored her halfhearted protests. He peppered her shoulder with small kisses and bit at the thin strap of her tank, pulling it off her shoulder.

  “Kyran,” Dale whispered, and he steadied himself for another of her challenges.

  Relief hit him square in the chest as she pressed her mouth to his, kissing him hard. Kyran was rocked back on his heels from the force of her passion, and though he wouldn’t ask where it came from, he couldn’t help but wonder what caused the sudden change.

  Dale hummed when he slid his tongue into her mouth, stroking it intimately against hers. She tasted divine, intoxicating. He couldn’t get enough.

  Cupping her buttocks, Kyran lifted her. He moaned when her legs came around his hips. Kyran pressed her against the wall, never breaking contact. Dale no longer protested, in fact, she started fumbling with his bow tie. He chuckled and nipped at her lower lip before skimming his tongue across its fullness.

  “As much as I want to do this right now, baby, we can’t.”

  “Spoilsport.” Dale pouted and lowered her legs to the floor. She lifted her strap back onto her shoulder. “But I guess I should get changed.”

  Kyran smirked and stroked his index finger along her collarbone. “Oh, I don’t know. I think you’re exquisite just as you are.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she said and turned her back to him, walking into her bedroom. Kyran wanted to follow but needed a second to regroup. His emotions were always in flux around her, and with everything else in his life fucking up, he didn’t know how to move forward with her. Dale had turned their sex only relationship into something else, something deeper. He couldn’t berate her for those feelings, he just couldn’t reciprocate them. Nevertheless, Dale had been the sole person he wanted close to him the night he’d lost his fight. She’d been a balm to his wounded ego.

  Wandering around her small living space while he waited for her, Kyran stopped at her messy shelves. Books were crammed into every available space, the spines creased on most of them. He never knew Dale was such an avid reader. It made him wonder how little he knew about the woman he was sleeping with. Reading was something she obviously enjoyed, and he hadn’t known. Kyran began reading the titles and wondered what books she preferred. It didn’t take him long to understand there was no pattern to her choices. Dale had pretty much every genre available, and wanting to know more about her, he continued snooping.

  Photo frames cluttered a small table beside the couch. None of them matched—each was a different size and shape. Drawing his face closer, he noticed each and every one of them contained her brother. Dale had referred to him on occasion, but their closeness was yet another aspect he’d been unaware of.


  Kyran turned and felt like he’d been punched in the gut. Dale was standing in the doorway dressed for the benefit. The midnight blue sheath dress clung to each and every delicious curve. The neckline plunged, revealing cleavage he wanted to bury his face in, and the hem was so short it was almost indecent.

  “I cannot explain how much strength it is taking for me not to drag you back into that bedroom. You look utterly amazing.”

  Dale’s smile lit her entire face. She did a small twirl for him and wiggled her ass in a tease he would be sure she’d later regret. If he was going to spend the night with blue balls, then she would be screaming herself hoarse before he’d allow her to orgasm.

  “I had a feeling this dress was the one when the assistant in the dressing room told me it wasn’t right.”

  “What?” He watched Dale pull a tube of lipstick from a small purse and start applying it to her lips.

  “She almost turned green with envy, so I knew she was lying. Besides, it shows my boobs off, and that can never be a bad thing.”

  “I like your assessment.”

  Dale held onto Kyran for balance as she slipped her feet into a pair of nude high heels. She kissed his cheek and said, “Good.”

  “You left a lip print on my cheek, didn’t you?”

  She gave her hair one last brush and reached for her clutch bag. “Might have.” She linked her fingers with his. “Come on then, Rocky. Time to party!”

  He snorted at her pet name but followed her anyway.

  It took Dale thirty minutes to realize she was out of her depth. She was surrounded by money, luxury, and pretentious people, and she disliked all of it. Kyran was networking. He was wandering around the huge yacht, which was moored in the bay. He welcomed everyone and was hopefully getting them to write checks. After a brief introduction to his father and stepmother, Kyran had vanished, leaving her with a glass of champagne for company. The function was far removed from what she’d imagined it would be.

  “Are you okay, sweetie?”

  Looking up from her champagne flute, Dale smiled awkwardly at Kyran’s stepmother. “I’m fine, thanks.” She shuffled in her heels; her feet ached. “Um, it’s a great party, Mrs. Reese.”

  “Call me Clara. Thank you for coming, although I do admit I’m a little surprised.”


  Instead of answering Dale, Clara cupped Dale’s elbow and escorted her across the room to a few vacant chairs. She sat and patted the seat beside her. Dale felt somewhat uncomfortable, but at least talking to her would kill some time. Clara smoothed the voluminous cream skirt of her ball gown across her knees. An abundance of crystals adorned the bustier top of the dress, but Dale doubted the large diamond swinging from her neck was fake.

  Clara touched the stone. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”

  “It is.”

  “Jacob’s gift for our anniversary. I almost fainted when he gave it to me this morning. Anyway, you asked why I was surprised. Well, for years we’ve had this charity benefit, and each year Kyran has the option to bring anyone he chooses. This year he chose to. It’s the first year he’s made the decision to bring anyone.” She smiled, her shiny coral lips spreading wide.

  “Oh.” She struggled for something to say. “He probably just felt he had to. After Taylor and everything.”

  “I don’t think so, and I doubt you do either.” Clara patted her knee and took another flute of champagne from a passing waiter. She placed her empty glass on his tray before turning back to Dale. Music began to play, so Clara raised her voice a touch. “Jacob and I would like to thank you for your help with Taylor, though. Keeping your head straight after finding him in such a state must have been difficult.”

  Dale took a sip of her drink, considering how to respond, when she saw Kyran enter the large ballroom. He paused in the doorway, scanning the crowd until his gaze stopped on her. His eyes thinned when he saw who Dale was sitting with, and he began stalking across the room to them. Dale had the distinct impression that he was pissed at her, but after leaving her alone for most of the evening, he had no right. So she ignored him and began talking to Clara again.

  “How is Taylor d
oing in rehab? Have you spoken to him?”

  Clara frowned at the question. “Sweetie, what on Earth made you think Taylor was in rehab? He checked out of the hospital but never turned up at the clinic. Taylor hasn’t been seen since then. Jacob is beside himself with worry.”

  “Ladies.” Kyran placed his hand on Dale’s shoulder. Wanting to ask more, she shrugged it off.

  “Hasn’t he contacted you at all?” She turned from Clara to Kyran when Clara shook her head. “Did you know Taylor wasn’t at the clinic?”

  “Dale.” Kyran’s voice was stern.

  Clara looked between the two of them. She must have seen something in Kyran’s expression because she stood up and said to Dale, “We’ll catch up later. I think Kyran needs to speak with you. Come and find me when you can.”

  Clara had barely left the seat before Kyran pulled her to her feet. “Follow me.”

  “What? Why?”

  Kyran all but dragged her out of the room and pulled her along the hall toward a door at the end. His hand was on the doorknob when it opened. Taylor stood in the doorway, his eyes blazing as he looked at them. Kyran froze, his whole body going rigid as he faced his brother.

  Taylor’s eyes looked wild as he gestured to Dale and Kyran’s linked hands. “You’re fucking her? Dale? She must have a real tight grip on your balls to get an invite here.”

  “What are you doing here?” Kyran asked, surprising her with just how calm he sounded.

  “I was invited. Just like you.” Taylor’s lip curled. “I have the invitation here . . . somewhere.” Taylor patted at the dirty pockets of his jeans, along with the soiled one on his shirt.

  Sympathy swamped Dale as she wondered where he had been staying. He didn’t look clean, and his appearance worried her.

  “I don’t need to see the damn piece of paper. Why aren’t you in rehab?” Kyran looked his brother up and down. “Look at what kind of state you’re in!”

  She expected anger, rage, and aggression, but when Taylor tilted his head back and laughed, Dale shuddered. Kyran’s hand tightened around hers as Taylor continued to laugh maniacally.

  Watching him broke her heart, and her disappointment escaped before she could stop it. “Oh, Taylor. You did it again, didn’t you? You’ve snorted more of that shit.”

  Something in her concern set Taylor off. He was wired and looking for a fight with anyone. Even Dale. Kyran tried to protect Dale from Taylor by standing between them.

  “You called me a waste of space.” Taylor pointed at Kyran. “You said I was a liability. You believed her over me, your own brother! And yet here you are, fucking the help! You’re a hypocrite. A fucking hypocrite!”

  Kyran squeezed Dale’s hand and shot her a quick look to make sure she was still behind him. She didn’t understand what was happening between the men, but the expression on Taylor’s face scared her. She looked around, hoping no one was watching the scene.

  “You’re right. I believed her,” Kyran said.

  Dale whipped her head back toward them. She clutched at Kyran’s arm, plastering herself to his side. His body shook with rage as he continued. “The evidence was all there, Taylor. You took advantage of Tori, and she refused to keep it a secret.”

  Taylor’s top lip lifted in disgust. “You never asked me about any of it, and your evidence was shit.” He pointed over his brother’s shoulder at Dale. “Are you going to pay her off when she cries harassment . . . or worse, rape?”

  Dale gasped, her stomach churning at what she was hearing. Interactions between her and Taylor shot through her head. She recalled his closeness and how uneasy she felt. Instinct had warned her that something wasn’t quite right, though she’d written it off as miscommunication. After all, Taylor had stepped away when she’d asked. The realization didn’t stop the rolling of her stomach.

  “What I do with Dale is nothing like what you did with Tori! And the payoff was to keep you out of jail, you fucking loser. Just like the payoff I gave to your dealer. We’re forever covering your ass.”

  Taylor lunged at his brother, and the two began to wrestle. Dale screamed, “Stop!” but nothing got through to them. Someone pushed past Dale in the corridor and restrained Taylor. Only then did she understand that the man holding Taylor back was his father, Jacob, and he wasn’t letting go anytime soon. Dale caught sight of Clara a few feet away speaking to a large security guard.

  “Where the hell have you been?” Jacob asked, trying to tighten his hold on his son. Taylor pulled his arm free, struggling to get to Kyran. “You’re embarrassing yourself. You’re embarrassing our family, and whatever shit you’ve shoved up your nose makes you think you’re fucking superman.”

  “No. I know who I am. I’m the great Jacob Reese’s son!” He sneered. “And you don’t give a shit where I’ve been.”

  “Son? You’re not my son anymore. You’ve haven’t been in a long time.” Taylor lunged but was held back as the security guard finally got a grip on him. “Kyran will kick your ass if you touch him or his girl, Taylor. Calm down. I’m warning you to seriously think about your actions right now because if you’re not careful, you’ll end up back in hospital.”

  “You’re warning me? You couldn’t care less about me! You’ll side with anyone but me, so fuck you.” Taylor tried to free himself.

  “I haven’t finished,” Jacob stated coldly. “Every single choice you make is yours to live with. However, the Reese Corporation could not live with you harassing a young girl so much she had to resign. The payment kept her quiet and prevented you from getting in deep trouble. If you feel you were wronged by those actions, then you come to my door, Taylor.” Jacob pounded his chest with his fist. “Mine, not Kyran’s, not Ms. Porter’s, and sure as hell not my wife’s.”

  “Asshole’s welcome to come at me. I’d knock him to the floor before I took a breath!” Kyran shouted.

  Dale felt a tremble rack Kyran’s body, and as much as she wanted to stay and comfort him, she couldn’t. Taylor hadn’t crossed the line with her, but Kyran had known what Taylor was capable of, yet he’d still employed her as his brother’s assistant.

  Tears prickled behind Dale’s eyes. She let go of Kyran’s arm, making a slow retreat while the Reese family carried on with their argument. She was numb. Dale wrapped her arms around herself and looked for the way off the yacht. She walked from the yacht, down the short ramp, and out into the parking lot. Stopping for a moment, she stepped out of her heels, and carried them in her hands as she walked barefoot along the sidewalk.

  She should never have gone to the club that night. She should have left the relationship with Kyran where it was. Dead. Back then she was annoyed enough to call it quits, no longer wanting to be used by one of the Reeses. Seeing Kyran hurt had changed her mind about him and was the reason she’d agreed to come tonight. She’d been wrong.

  Shivering, she rubbed her biceps, trying to get warm.


  Tears sprang in her eyes at the sound of his voice. Why did he have to follow her? “Go back to the party.”

  “You know I can’t do that, Dale. It’s freezing out here. You have no shoes on, don’t have a coat, and left this on the boat.” He jogged over to her, closing the space between them and held out her clutch. “Where are you going?”

  “I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking.”

  Kyran reached for her, the tips of his fingers skimming her jaw. “Baby, I’m sorry about all that back there. I know why you left. I should have told you about Taylor.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  The air left his lips in a puff of white mist. She shivered again. In response, Kyran removed his tuxedo jacket and draped it around her shoulders. She almost groaned at the warmth radiating from it.

  “Misplaced loyalty. I thought the incident with Tori had scared him enough to never do it again.”

  “Do what?” she whispered, not sure she wanted the answer.

  “Wandering hands, dirty talking, you know the drill. Tori was twenty-three, and t
he Reese Corporation was her first job after college. Her father knows mine fairly well, so he helped her get the job. She said she was scared of the way he approached her at times, along with the things he said.”

  Dale took a step back. “I see. Well, no, I don’t really. Taylor is flirty, and sure, he can be a bit handsy at times, but sexual harassment? Really? And if he did, then why didn’t you warn me?”

  Kyran yanked on his bow tie, undoing the knot and letting the ends lie flat on his shirt. “We can’t warn every person we hire. No one would work for him if we did. All we could do was watch— make sure he was acting appropriately.”

  “I was more than your employee, Kyran. Besides, if you were watching for that, then how the hell did you miss his signs of addiction?”

  “That’s the point, isn’t it? We weren’t watching him at all. We wrote him off and left him to destroy himself.”

  “Then you all need to work out a way through it. Disowning him isn’t the way forward.”

  “I don’t want to do that, but how do I handle him? How do we get past this? I keep giving him chances to change but he never takes them.”

  “He really needs you now. If you draw the line you’ll just prove him right when he says you don’t care about him.”

  Kyran nodded but changed the subject. “Was?”


  “You said ‘I was more than your employee.’ ”

  Dale closed her eyes, not wanting to see his face when she spoke because her heart would shatter. “I can’t do this.” She felt Kyran move close and cup her face. Dale allowed it for a second before she opened her eyes and said, “You know how I feel about you. I’m not asking you for anything, but please understand that each time you touch me like this, it hurts. It hurts even more that you didn’t feel the need to warn me of the possible danger.”

  “He wouldn’t have hurt you.”

  “And you know that how?”

  He scrubbed his hand over his head. “I don’t. Not really. I just . . .”

  “Exactly. You’re so confused. You think Taylor isn’t a danger, and yet you paid that woman off. You don’t know your own mind or trust your own convictions anymore. All three of you Reese men have issues, and all you keep doing is dragging more people into the mix. This has to end, Kyran. It’s hurting me. Maybe it’ll hurt you in the end, too. We shouldn’t have started it. We should have known that just sex never works. There are always casualties.”