Igniting Ash Read online

Page 23

  She let him roll her onto her back, revelling in the feel of his skin against hers. Emma loved the feeling of his body blanketing hers, loved his strength as it pressed her into the mattress and lost herself as his callused hands began to roam her naked flesh.

  The ring of the shop doorbell tore through the silence at the same time Asher’s phone started to vibrate across the cabinet. They exhaled in unison, their bodies deflating against one another. He kissed her forehead. “Some would say you were saved by the bell. Or that it was a sign.”

  “Some might. I wouldn’t.” Emma moved off the bed, pulling a discarded T-shirt of Asher’s over her head before reaching for her leggings. “I’ll get the door. You get your phone. If you’re quick we can be back in bed in ten minutes.” She looked down at his prominent erection. “Before the mood dies.”

  Asher snorted. “It’s going nowhere, babe. Not as long as I’m looking at you.”

  Her skin flushed. “Um, keys?” she said, holding out her hand.

  Rolling onto his side, Asher groped along the floor until he found his jeans. After delving in the pockets he tossed her the keys to the shop. “I’ll be waiting,” he shot her and picked up his phone.

  Emma giggled as she bounded down the stairs. With all the terrible things hanging over their heads the man still made her laugh. Her humour died quickly and panic turned her stomach to lead she rounded the counter into the shop. Even with the new decoration, Asher couldn’t hide the ghost of memories that remained there.

  The doorbell rang again.

  “C-Coming!” she shouted, shutting down the escalating fear. She fumbled with the keys, trying to work out which one opened the door, when something caught her attention. It rested on Asher’s keyring, its worn metal smooth to the touch. She frowned.

  “Are you gonna open the door?”

  Emma set her interest aside and placed the chain Asher had fitted across the door. She tried three different keys before open it. “Sorry, can I help you?”

  The uniformed man thrust a keypad through the gap in the door. “Delivery for Mr. Harris. Sign that.”

  Emma calmed and signed her name before passing the keypad back to him. She opened the door as far as the chain would allow, still not confident enough to open it wide without someone else there with her. The delivery man didn’t seem to mind. He just thrust the small package through the gap and said goodbye.

  Emma locked the door and placed the parcel on the counter. She started at Asher’s keyring as she walked back up the stairs and held it in the air as she entered his flat. “Asher, what’s this on your keyring?”

  She froze.

  Asher held his head in his hands, sitting on the very edge of the couch. The happiness she felt only moments ago dissolved fast at the sight of him. His face was hidden, but his demeanour conveyed a level of sadness. “Who was on the phone?” she asked, fairly sure she didn’t want to know the answer.

  Her breath caught in her throat as he stood up and raced across the room. His arms banded around her waist, her feet rising from the floor as he picked her up and spun her around. His holler bounced off the walls and vibrated through her body. Emma clung to his shoulders, clung to him.

  “It’s okay, angel. It’s okay.”

  She didn’t understand what he meant, but he didn’t elaborate. He also didn’t put her down. “Ash?”

  “Always loved it when you say that. You’re the only one who does it.”

  Emma pushed at his shoulders, rearing back as she forced him to place her feet on the floor. His hands instantly framed her face. “Love you. So much. You saw what no one else did.”

  “Asher, you’re freaking me out. Who was on the phone?”

  He inhaled sharply, his hands tightening on his cheeks. “Your father.”

  Her head spun.

  “All charges against me have been dropped. The CPS has decided that given the mitigating circumstances, and the lack of premeditation that I’m not worth their time. The case against me has been tossed.”

  Emma gawked at him, she heard the words but they simply weren’t registering. “What?”

  He pulled her over to the couch, and as he sat down he tugged her onto his lap. “I’ve no previous convictions, have a good standing in the community, and it was an isolated incident caused by William’s attack on you. Your father said they did refer to the excessive force but after considering it they decided it wasn’t worth their while to follow through. Thanks to your dad and CPS we’re okay. It’s over.”

  “Are you serious?” she whispered, her heart swelling with hope.

  Asher nodded. “Your dad always told me it was a possibility. He even listed a few example cases for me, but I never wanted to believe it. Babe, we’re free. It’s over. No waiting for me because I’m going nowhere. Ever.”

  “You’re telling the truth.”

  Asher tossed his head back and laughed. “Call your dad if you don’t believe me. It’s over.”

  “Wow.” She touched his chest, feeling the pounding of his heart crash against her palm. “It’s so hard to believe that it’s all done with. Does Gabe know?”

  “I was going to call him after talking to you. Did you want me gone? Ah, I get it. You wanted my shop,” he teased and kissed the tip of her nose. “You can still have it. Well, half. When are you moving in?”

  “I…Well…It…” she stammered before grinning. “Actually, I thought I already had.”

  His smile illuminated her world and made every ounce of worry and confusion dissipate. “This is really a fresh start then? You and Me? Here?”


  “And Gabe still has a job?”

  “I can’t believe you’re asking that. Yes.”

  She held up his keys, dangling them in his face. “So start by telling me what this is.”

  He took it from her, holding it in his hand between them. “This is a padlock.”

  The way his lips quirked told her it was more. “Just a padlock?”

  “That depends on who is asking, whether you want the truth and how much you love me.”

  Her pulse fluttered. “I’m the one asking. I want total honesty, and I adore you.”

  He didn’t speak. Instead, he put the padlock in her hand and reached around her neck to unclasp her necklace. The flutter had now become a rapid tattoo. “Ash?”

  “One night,” he started. “I went to visit my dad; he had a friend over. The bloke had a son. He was a bit older than me, chatting about going to some party. Dad thought I needed to get out, so talked this bloke’s kid into taking me. That’s where I got this.” He tapped the padlock with the key. “Do you need me to continue?”

  “You?” she said, her veins coursing with pure elation. “You were there?”

  “I saw you. In your black leggings and red top that fell off your shoulder. You kept flicking your hair as if you weren’t used to wearing it down, and I remembered that at school you always had it in a ponytail. I was utterly floored by you and couldn’t stop staring, but when a few kids from school spotted me I had to go.”

  They both stared at the padlock and key. “You kept this?”

  Asher raised a brow. “You kept yours too.”

  This was insane. Had they been connected all of this time?

  “Do it, Asher. Show me.”

  His hand trembled as he pushed her key into his padlock. It fit perfectly. Two halves of a whole. She stared to cry. They were the happiest tears she’d ever shed.

  “Asher, oh Asher.”

  “I kept it because you were a reminder of something I couldn’t have back then. Something so amazingly pure and unsullied by the darkness that surrounded me. You were out of my reach.”

  “I wasn’t. I’m not.”

  “You’re right. You’re not. It was me that needed to learn that. I had to learn to be me. And now that I do, I’m never letting you go. You were always the angel on my shoulder, guiding me when I couldn’t see.”

  Perfect words didn’t seem enough after his confession,
so she did the only thing she could. She kissed him, pouring her heart and soul into it. Showing Asher Harris that he was all she’d ever need.

  He held the key to her heart forever.


  “How on earth did he fit so much stuff up there in that small flat?”

  Emma stifled the urge to roll her eyes as she looked at Meagan. “Some of it’s mine too. And the flat is surprisingly roomy once you’re living there.”

  “I wouldn’t know. And thankfully I never will.” She shuddered.

  “Get over yourself,” Emma said, pushing past her to pick up another box of possessions. Nothing was going to spoil this day, especially not Meagan and her high expectations.

  Meagan pouted her red lips and stared down at her very fitted white dress. “I didn’t realise this was going to be so…messy.”

  Gabe entered the shop, running his fingers through his shaggy blond curls. The action reminded her so much of Asher that she smiled. He walked around Meagan, tilting his head toward her but looking at Emma. “She’s joking, right? She didn’t think moving house was going to be a dirty job? Women. Never understand them.”

  “We don’t all think like that. Meagan is kind of…” What was she? “Special.”

  Gabe snorted. “You got that right. Anyway. Any more of your stuff upstairs?”

  “Couple more boxes. Ben’s bringing one down now. Then you can start bringing your own stuff in.”

  His eyes twinkled, filling her with warmth and affection. Gabe couldn’t be happier that he was going to have his own place. He’d been living at the shelter for far too long.

  “Oh, is Ben here?” Meagan asked and it was quite clear she was feigning the innocence. Since Emma and Asher had introduced Meagan to Ben she hadn’t been shy about hiding her interest. Ben on the other hand didn’t care, claiming she was far too high maintenance for his taste.

  Gabe laughed again, shaking his head as he walked around the bookshop counter and up the stairs to the flat. Meagan’s gaze flitted up the stairs before returning to her friend.

  “You should go and say hi,” Emma said, feeling only a little mean for teasing. She set the box back on the floor.

  “I will in a minute. I wanted to talk to you on our own.”

  Emma raised a brow and waited.

  “I just wanted to check that…well, that you’re happy. That you want this. Buying a house with Asher is a huge thing. Especially when he already has the shop. It’s a lot of responsibility.”

  “I’m an adult, Meagan. It’s what we do. Fall in love, move in together, buy stuff.”

  “A house is more than stuff.”

  Emma leaned her hips against the counter. She understood Meagan’s concern; a small part of her even welcomed it. After Emma had told her to butt out of her business Meagan hadn’t spoken to her for two months. She’d finally apologised when Meagan’s father had marched her to the shop. It still hurt that Meagan hadn’t visited her at the hospital, or called to check how she was, and it was just recently that Jonathan had let her know Meagan had been phoning him to check on her friend. That information had made her feel better. Meagan hadn’t forgotten her, even when she’d been upset.

  “I need to know you’re head over heels and this is completely what you want.”

  “Meagan, of course it is. I adore the man out there. He’s the best part of me.”

  “Well that’s not true,” Meagan responded, shaking her head. “You were a goody two shoes before you hooked up with him.”

  Emma wrinkled her nose and reached out to hug Meagan. “Thank you for caring, but Asher and I are perfect. The house is perfect.”

  It was more than enough to placate Meagan. She pulled away from Emma’s embrace and sashayed toward the stairs. “I guess I’ll go and say hello to Benjamin.”

  “His name’s Ben. Just Ben,” Asher said bluntly from his position in the shop doorway.

  Emma’s heart skipped a beat, her pulse escalating immediately at the sight of him. His hair flopped into his eyes, but she knew he was looking at her. She could feel his stare.

  “Whatever,” Meagan said before disappearing upstairs to annoy Ben.

  Emma’s gaze met Asher’s, her eyes raking over him as he raised his hands to grip the top of the door frame. His black T-shirt rose, revealing a patch of skin low across his hips. The exact part he liked kissed. She licked her lips.

  Asher cleared his throat as if he was mirroring her thoughts. “Um, van’s packed. Just waiting on the last few bits. Do you want to go and check we got it all?”

  She walked closer to him, shrugging. “No big deal. Gabe will tell us if we left anything. It’s not like we’re leaving here too.”

  “Just the flat,” he rumbled, dropping his hands to grasp the front of her sweatshirt. He pulled her forward. “I missed you.”

  “Missed me? You were outside like, ten minutes.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “I know and it was torture.”

  Her man had a real way with words. Ways that had her legs turning to jelly. “Meagan’s gone to annoy Ben, and Gabe’s gone to protect him.”

  “So,” he crooned, tracing the tip of his nose over her temple. “That leaves us alone for a while?”

  Heat burst over her skin as she recalled what Asher could do to her in that time. She sighed. “I think we should put that thought on ice until we got to the house. I bet Gabe is desperate to unload what few possessions he has. The flat will be his first real home. You understand that, I’m sure.”

  “Of course, but Gabe’s needs come second to my need for you.”

  She whispered into his ear, enjoying his delicate shiver. “You had me this morning.”

  “That was a good-bye to the flat.” He stepped back a little when he heard someone on the stairs but kept his hand in hers.

  Gabe rounded the counter, grinning from ear to ear. “Seriously, Ben looks like he’s ready to run for his life. You may have to rescue him.”

  Asher chuckled, thrusting his hand into his back pocket and pulling out a single key. “This is yours.” He handed it to Gabe.

  “Thanks.” Gabe held it between his fingers, staring at it like it was something precious. To him it was. “I’ll be glad to have my own space. The shelter was great but the flat is amazing. Thank you. Both of you. You didn’t need to do this for me. I know you’re sorry that the program with the charity fell through, but I don’t blame you guys and never expected this.”

  Asher snorted. “We’re not buying the bloody house so that you can have this place. It just makes sense for you to have the flat. You work here most days after all.”

  “I know but I’m still grateful.”

  Emma gave Gabe a quick hug. “We’re going to take what we have to the house. You can start unloading your things.” She winked. “Get Meagan and Ben to help.”

  Asher slapped him on the back. “Good luck with that.” He pulled Emma from the shop and opened the door to the van. Before she could climb in he pressed his body against hers and lowered his mouth for a kiss. After eight months she still got tingles, still felt her stomach flip and her toes curl. His kisses melted her bones.

  “Now, Miss Priss…you were saying something about the proper way to celebrate buying our first home.”

  “Was I?” She couldn’t remember when his lips were on her.

  He nodded. “Oh yes, and there are many rooms we should make sure we celebrate in.” He lifted her up and sat her in the van. “And we’re going there right now. I’ll just go back and grab that box you left.”

  Giggling at his urgency, Emma reached out and touched his cheek. “I love you, Asher Harris.”

  He shot her a cocky grin. “That’s good, because angel we just bought a house, and it would suck to live together if you hated me.”

  Unable to wipe the smile from her face, Emma settled into the seat and waited for Asher to drive them to their new home.

  For him to drive them to their future.

  The End


  This book would never have seen the light of day without the persistence of one woman. Jan Galloway kept me focused when writing Asher's story made me want turn away. I adore her in so many ways, and Asher would be thankful if he was real. He'd also make you a coffee...or a hot chocolate.

  I'm sending out a huge thank you to my little cheer squad. With me from the start, these ladies never doubt my commitment to finishing a story, and are always first in line singing its praises. You all keep me smiling. Jan Galloway, Maylin Tan, Donna MacKinnon, Tracy McCallum, Natalie Hulmes, and Sarah Carroll, please don't ever change.

  Lastly, my men. The four of you are wonderfully understanding, and don't care if it's 'crap tea' for another night because I have a deadline. One of you has given me my happy ever after, and I hope my three boys will all get a happy ever after worth writing about of their own. I love you all.

  About the Author

  A. Stacie is never without a book or her eReader. A voracious reader, with a love of sexy, yet angst ridden novels, she adores getting lost in new worlds. Her need to write did not grip her until after her second son was born, when her previous rambles became fully fledged stories.

  She describes herself as one huge contradiction, and though not the most conventional of hobbies, she counts getting new tattoos as one of hers. Running keeps her sane, along with knitting and listening to loud music.

  M. A. Stacie lives in the UK with her husband and three sons.





