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  "Do you ever hear from Emma?" she asked Pax once Caleb walked out of earshot.

  "No. Clean break was the only way to go. We were dumb."

  "You weren't. You loved her." She placed a hand on his arm, cursing his sunglasses because she wanted to see the emotions in his brown eyes.

  "See there's the problem. I don't think I did. My decisions were made by my cock back then."

  His honesty made her snort. "I'd say there are worse things than being led by that."

  Her skin heated as he turned his gaze on her. "I suppose there is, though sometimes all a man can do is wait and have faith that what he really wants will come to him one day."

  He couldn't mean her. Could he? The last thing she needed right now would be Pax confessing he wanted her. It would make leaving both men even harder. She wanted them both but a relationship with either one would be only half as fulfilling.

  "Storm's brewin', Pax," Caleb interrupted, leading the horses over. "I'm starvin' and Jack says we need to put some meat on her bones."

  "Syd looks just fine to me."

  Caleb smiled. "Man, that's just what I said. Though she refused to give me a closer look."

  Her mouth dropped open in shock, only intensifying when Pax removed his sunglasses, tucking them into the front pocket of his shirt and winked at her, adding, "There's time yet."

  A squeak exited her mouth as he climbed back onto his horse, beckoning for her to follow him. She couldn't. Her heart crashed furiously against her chest, and the butterflies in her stomach began multiplying. The two men thundered off on their horses, grinning at each other.

  Sydney clutched Roman's reins, stroking down his long, white nose.

  What the hell had just happened?


  "I swear, Syd, that has to be the best meal I've eaten in months."

  Smiling, she walked into the living room. After the conversation on the hill she'd been confused. Wanting to calm herself, she volunteered to cook dinner. The men didn't complain. In fact, she received a peck on the cheek from each. It had been enough to get her excitement ramping back up.

  Opting for something simple, she made a quick carbonara and managed to find some garlic bread in the freezer. She found her earlier assessment of what the men usually ate hadn't been wrong. She counted twelve separate boxes of frozen pizza. How they managed to run the ranch on junk food was beyond her.

  Vowing to go grocery shopping tomorrow, she finished cleaning away the last of the dishes and stepped into the living room. The fire crackled, casting a warm, orange glow around the room, and the pitter-patter of rain against the windows mingled with the low music someone had switched on. Caleb rubbed his abdomen, stretching out across the couch and lifting his arms up to rest behind his head.

  When she moved further into the room his green gaze caressed her body, causing her to breathe a little faster. His blue T-shirt rode up, revealing the toned muscles of his stomach. Her tongue swirled in her mouth, wanting a taste of his skin. Recalling his tang, she caught herself leaning closer to him and pulled back, but too late. Caleb smirked knowingly and Pax raised a brow. She'd been well and truly busted.

  "Um, w-who wants coffee?" she stammered.

  "Nope," Caleb responded, holding his hand out. "Come sit down. Pax is grabbin' some beers."

  "I'm not sitting on your lap."

  "Never asked you to, Ne-Ne. Sit on the rug and rest back against the couch."

  Cautious, she moved over to him and lowered herself onto the rug. Caleb's arm came around her chest immediately, pulling her back close to him. "You need to stop touching me like this," she whispered, pulling at his forearm.


  "Because I refuse to lead you on. I couldn't marry you then. I can't marry you now."

  The couch creaked when he leaned closer, whispering into her ear. "Say it often enough and you might start believin' it." His tongue flicked out, capturing the lobe of her ear and his lips sucked on it lightly for a second. Her pussy clenched. He clearly still recalled the small actions that turned her on. It was unfair.

  "Am I interruptin'?"

  Sydney exhaled, closing her eyes and willing her body to behave. She heard Caleb snort and clink his beer bottle with Pax's.

  "Not at all. Syd? Pax has your beer."

  Unable to make eye contact with either of them, she took the beer and proceeded to down the bottle in four long drinks. Dutch courage would help her get through the night. She would channel her inner assertive self later and use the experience as fodder for her next novel. Readers loved her sexy cowboys.

  "Whoa! Slow down, speedy," Pax said, taking the empty bottle from her. "Unless you plan on getting drunk. In which case, here's another, and I think I'll join you."

  She shouldn't. However, no matter how many times she told herself getting drunk would be wrong, she reached out for one bottle after the next.

  On her fifth beer she noticed Pax sitting on the floor next her, but she couldn't recall when he'd done that. Her inhibitions lowered with each mouthful, so much so that when Pax brushed his arm against hers she didn't bother hiding her gasp.

  "Problem?" he questioned, shooting her that smile, dimples and all.

  Floating in an alcohol induced haze, she shook her head. "Not at all. I'm just peachy."

  "Strange that, because I swear I heard you gasp when I did this." His finger stroked slowly up her forearm, leaving goose bumps in its wake. At the same time Caleb's fingers skimmed across the back of her neck. The thin straps of her top had slipped off her shoulder onto her bicep, exposing the skin and leaving it free to his ministrations. She took another swig of beer, feeling Caleb's warm breath on her cheek. "Lookin' a little tipsy there, Syd."

  Her head flopped back into the space between his parted thighs when his hand came around to stroke her collarbone.

  She patted his cheek. "I'm just fine. Still a ways to go before I'd consider myself drunk."

  "Really?" the men said in unison.

  Nodding, she sighed when Caleb's fingers delved under the edge of her shirt. They toyed with the lace cup of her bra, teasing the skin just underneath. Pax's hand crept along her thigh, stroking the underside of her knee and her eyes fluttered closed.

  Reluctant to believe one of her fantasies might truly be happening, she reached for each one of them, touching their skin in a bid to make it reality. She had dreamed about this very scenario night after night, and many of her novels had been based around a fantasy she'd had of the three of them. Nothing could prepare her for living out the moment though. Her memories of the night under the bleachers had faded with time, so much so, she questioned whether it had ever really happened.

  "Need more beer, Syd?" Caleb asked into her ear, lapping at the lobe and kissing the skin just below.

  "Do I need it?" she asked, startled by the huskiness to her voice.

  "Depends if you want an excuse for this happenin'," Pax answered.

  The warm glow of the alcohol had her relaxing into their caresses. She'd fantasized about this scenario for years, but never allowed herself to hope it could ever happen. Drinking more would certainly give her an excuse for her actions, but being a grown woman, she should bury her anxiety and admit she wanted the men as much as they wanted her.

  Uncertainty had her proceeding with caution. She had no idea where the seduction had come from, or why they decided to work together. About to ask exactly what they had planned, she stalled when Pax pushed her thighs apart. Swallowing, she met his intense stare as he shuffled to kneel between them. He placed his hands on her hips, his thumbs circling her hipbones. Caleb continued moving his mouth along the back her shoulders murmuring his affection.

  Each sweep of his lips had her stomach clenching and without a doubt her panties were soaked. Her hips writhed of their own volition, and with Pax's knee placed against her sweet spot every movement had a new wave of wetness seeping from her pussy.

  The sound of their deep breathing filled the room, the air thick with lust. They were hur
tling toward the point of no return, but her foggy brain, clouded with desire, wouldn't let her muster the strength to think clearly. When Caleb's teeth nipped at her neck, rational thought completely dissolved.

  Pax leaned in, placing his lips over hers and taking the air from her lungs. Just as possessive as he had been twelve years ago, his tongue staked claim to her mouth as it pushed and dominated. She sank into his seduction, moaning when he cupped her face in his hands.

  Caleb's lips waged an attack of their own, sucking on her neck, before lapping at the flesh. Her head rested against his thigh. His hands moved around her rib cage, smoothing up to cup her breasts and rasp his thumbs across her nipples.

  "Oh God, yes," she groaned, tearing her mouth from Pax's.

  He smirked. His cheeks were pink, his lips swollen and his pupils were huge, blown wide by lust. Pax was ready, and by the feel of Caleb's erection as it pressed into her back, he wasn't the only one.

  Pax kissed her again, quickly, before pulling away and staring right at her. "Now's the time to say no, sweetheart. After this, there's no goin' back. You'll be ours." His eyes darkened. "And a word of warnin', we play hard with our toys."

  Chapter 5

  "Our toys?" Sydney asked, nerves making her voice quiver. "You do this together often then?"

  The very thought had jealousy rising in her chest. They were hers.

  Caleb rolled her nipple between his fingers, scattering her thoughts, and Pax popped the button on her shorts.

  "One person but it didn't get this far. She was all wrong, nothing but a replacement really," Pax responded, tugging on her shorts until she elevated her hips. "My wife. She got disgusted. We never spoke about it again."

  Opening and closing her mouth, Sydney searched for something to say, but allowed him to remove her shorts. Caleb ripped her top over her head before she finally blurted out, "But me? Caleb, you were going to marry me. I don't—"

  Pax cut her off, placing a finger across her lips. "Both Caleb and I promise to spill the beans. But you have to first."

  Confusion creased her brow, though she swiftly forgot about it when Caleb pushed up the cups of her bra, exposing her breasts. All sane thoughts dissolved under his touch.

  "But," Pax continued. "I don't think a conversation is what you're after right now. Is it, sweetheart?" He slid his hand across her breasts, careful not to interrupt Caleb's worship of her nipples. Moving his fingers up, Pax gripped her throat, his thumb stroking the skin tenderly. Her hips writhed against Pax's thigh, as she pushed her chest into Caleb's teasing fingers.

  "I think it's time you both lost a few clothes," she managed to croak.

  Pax's brow rose slowly, disappearing under his dark strands of hair as it flopped forward. "But you still have some on," he pointed out.

  Caleb let go of her. Not needing to be told twice, he undressed quickly. He stood before her, his cock jutting out and giving a silent demand of its own. Sydney licked her lips, anticipating the taste of him.

  "No," Caleb snapped. "We've waited too long for this, and if you put your hot little mouth around my cock it'll be game over."

  Her pussy quivered and Sydney felt pretty sure if someone didn't touch her soon it would be game over anyway. She'd bring herself to orgasm by just staring at them, naked and hard. She sat transfixed when Caleb cupped his sac, causing the skin to wrinkle before he gripped his shaft. He stroked the length, his eyes boring into her, and she felt another rush of arousal soak her panties.

  Sydney tugged her underwear off, fully aware of Pax behind her, also undressing. Caleb sat down on the couch, crooking a finger and calling her over. Lost in the moment, she prowled across the floor knowing the kind of view Pax would see from where he stood. She reached out, folding her fingers around Caleb's erection and hearing his hiss of approval.

  Pax's cool hands massaged the globes of her ass, slipping between her buttocks and circling her puckered hole.

  Sydney gulped.

  No man had ever invaded that part of her, and even though she'd longed for each of these men to, Pax's touch still a shocked her.

  "Condom," Caleb uttered, handing her the foil square. Her fingers fumbled with the packet, and then again with the latex until eventually she sheathed him.

  His chin jutted forward. "Up here, Syd. Let me show Pax how amazin' you are."

  Unable to think clearly, she climbed onto his lap, settling back against his chest and gasping when he pulled her thighs wide apart. This was happening. She really was naked with the two men that had unknowingly acted as her muse for years when it came to her novels. It would no longer be something she made up; it would be very real.

  "You look glorious, sweetheart," Pax exhaled, moving between her thighs again.

  So wet, her arousal seeped out of her. Never had she been so turned on.

  Pax slipped his hand down between her legs. He skimmed a finger along her slit before easing in and stroking her clit gently while he kissed her.

  "You like bein' possessed by us, don't you, sweetheart?" Caleb asked softly, nudging his cock against her ass.

  She could only hum in agreement around Pax's tongue. No other words were needed. The men could feel how much she enjoyed their dominance. Frustration built though. Pax's cock stayed just inches from her pussy, he wouldn't enter her.

  "Please," she begged, tearing her mouth free. "I need you. I need one of you. Now."

  Pax grinned, but didn't move forward. Caleb laughed. "Baby, we've only just started. If we fuck you now, it'll all be over. Where's the fun in that?"

  Caleb's words made her heart pound, her pulsing with excitement. His hands gripped her thighs, allowing Pax to fit more comfortably between them. Pax caressed every inch of skin he could and Caleb fondled her breasts. She could literally erupt in orgasm at any moment, simply because every fantasy she'd ever had was being played out right here, right now. Both men were focused solely on her, her body causing their cocks to harden. The thought empowered her.

  A silent conversation played between the two men, Caleb's cock rocking against her ass the whole time. When Pax stroked his shaft, covering it with a condom, she groaned, thankful one of them would finally take her. Even then, he took his time, toying with her pussy, almost as if inspecting what Caleb offered.


  "Please," she begged again.

  Biting her lip, she shuddered in anticipation. Caleb tightened his hold on her thighs, keeping her pussy completely exposed to Pax.

  "Christ, sweetheart, I need to be inside of you."

  On the verge of begging again, she stopped. Pax finally pressed his erection against her. It slipped inside of her with ease, she'd become so wet. Her body arched, her back pressing against Caleb's chest and she welcomed the erotic stretch. His eyes locked with hers, and he could see how utterly overcome she'd become. Pax pushed further, before pulling back and thrusting more forcefully into her. With each piston of his hips, Caleb's cock moved between the cheeks of her ass, the engorged head coming awfully close to her anus.

  He held her tightly, lowering his hand to her clit. Sydney gave out a guttural groan, her head flopping back onto Caleb's shoulder. The whole time hands stroked and Pax's cock fucked her, she became aware of an all new, rather tempting sensation between her ass cheeks. Her cream slid along Caleb's cock, gliding his head across her private passage and lubricating the flesh.

  Pax kissed her, before pulling back to watch Caleb play with her clit. "So good," he exclaimed, filling her up again. This time when he pumped into her it caused the tip of Caleb's cock to enter her ass. Just a little.

  "Oh!" she hissed, both shocked and aroused by the sensations thundering through her body. Her whisper turned into a shout when Pax thrust again and Caleb entered her ass more fully. Conscious thought fled, her body deliciously stretched. The exquisite feeling deepened with their controlled rhythm. It became clear they'd done this together before because every touch, kiss and buck took her closer to orgasm, spiraling into oblivion. It had to be, without questio
n, the most incredible sex she'd ever had or would have again. Two amazing men filled her, taking their pleasure from her and fulfilling a dream she thought would never be realized.

  One quick swipe of Caleb's thumb across her swollen clit and she came. It hit her in great, long waves. Neither man slowed; they were relentless, working in unison to draw every last drop of her orgasm from her. It went on and on until, at last, Pax groaned, shuddering as he came within her pussy.

  He cursed, flopping onto her chest and taking her nipple between his teeth. He remained within her, rolling his hips a couple of times before pulling out. Sydney felt the loss immediately, reaching out for Pax and cupping his balls in her hand. His eyes blazed, watching the way Caleb's cock speared her ass.

  "I need to speed up, baby," he swallowed a heavy gasp. "You have to tell me if it hurts."

  She answered with a quick wiggle of her bottom, followed by a hiss. The action hurt a little, but she quickly forgot when Pax knelt down and pushed two fingers into her. It took barely a second before Caleb came too, pumping his cock aggressively and grunting against her shoulder.

  She vaguely heard Pax talk about fetching more beer and Caleb muttered about removing the condom, but she couldn't focus on their words. Her body felt like a noodle, unable to move at all. Her brain had short-circuited, leaving her lost for a verbal response. Caleb lifted her off him, laying her gently onto the couch. He shot her one quick glance before disappearing upstairs.

  Sydney closed her eyes, drifting away as her thoroughly sated body sank into the couch. Her skin felt raw, bruised with their fingerprints, but she didn't have a single mark on her. Both men had treated her like porcelain. She'd been handled with complete care. Rolling her hips, she exhaled at the slight ache of her muscles.

  "Are you hurt?" Pax asked, worried. He crouched down, his concerned brown eyes meeting hers. He reached out, stroking damp hair back from her face. She noticed he'd put his tight, black underwear back on.

  "I'm waiting to wake up," she whispered, her heart kicking up a notch when he shot one of his smiles.