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Igniting Ash Page 6

  Emma whimpered. Jack cursed. She grew dizzy, feeling completely powerless. A blur of movement had her reeling back. The paramedics pushed into the room, demanding to know details of Gabe’s condition and whether anyone knew what had happened to him. Luckily, Jack was clear-headed, able to tell them everything he knew and whatever Emma had relayed to him.

  Her head swam, waves of nausea hitting her. She was thankful Jack could give the men the details—not that any of them knew very much. She tried to reach out and take Gabe’s hand; she was pushed away by another paramedic as he wheeled in a stretcher. They placed an oxygen mask over his face and began cutting along the sleeve of his shirt.

  “Do you know his surname? Date of birth?”

  Emma stammered, eventually spitting out, “Dearing. His surname is Dearing. He finally confided in me. I could give you the date of birth he gave us, but I doubt that’s the truth. I don’t know anything else.”

  “Ask around,” the paramedic demanded, starting to push the stretcher from the room. “Maybe one of the kids knows a bit more. We’ll need whatever info you can get. Just let the receptionist know at the hospital.”

  “I’ll follow you,” she said, quickly. “I want to make sure he’s okay. I promised him he would be. I promised.”

  Stumbling a little because her legs felt like jelly, she retrieved her bag from the hook near the office door. She barely felt, or acknowledged, Jack’s touch, the urge to comfort Gabe was so great.

  “Just let us know how he is. Bolt and I will take care of things here,” Jack said before passing her mobile phone to her.

  She clutched it tightly, walking down the corridor. The sad, scared faces of the other teenagers stared at her. Nikki’s bottom lip quivered as she spoke. “I hope he makes it through, Miss Priss.”

  Emma simply nodded, each step feeling harder to action than the one before. She shivered, the horror of the last half hour settling around her. Her car keys slipped from her fingers, falling to the gravel ground with a thunk. She wanted to do the same, to drop to the floor, huddle up and hide. Gabe had done that very thing in her office, and that was why she couldn’t stop.

  Retrieving them, she climbed into her car and started the engine. She paused, needing to have someone with her while she waited at the hospital. Before she accepted what she was doing, before she could stop herself, she dialled the number of the bookstore.

  It rang twice. “Asher? It’s me—Emma. I need you, will you come?”

  Chapter 7


  The terror in her voice had scared Asher. So much so that he didn’t think twice about closing the store and doing as she asked. He went to comfort her.

  The journey took far longer than anticipated, or at least it felt like that. He wondered why she’d chosen to call him. Why not Meagan or her father? It was odd, but he’d refused to ask that question. Her being upset was enough to bury the doubt and head straight to her.

  Asher hated hospitals. Just the thought of the clinical smell, the white, caustic corridors and heartbroken expressions sent a chill through his system. He could virtually taste the antiseptic as memories assaulted him, taking his breath away.

  He shifted around the corner of the hospital entrance, taking deep lungfuls of air. Claws of anxiety crept along his skin, causing him to scratch at the imaginary sensation. Telling himself he could do this—he could be there for Emma—he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, mustering every ounce of courage he had. She didn’t have to know that walking into the hospital was on a par with strolling through the gates of hell for him. Emma needed a shoulder to cry on, not a man frozen in fear because he was reliving his past. The terrified child no longer ruled his actions.

  Stalking through the Emergency Room door, he scanned the chairs and tried to find her. Confusion as to why she’d called him, along with why he’d acted on that request, swam around in his head as his eyes shot from one person to the next. He was greeted with a selection of broken limbs, cut foreheads and a child with a pan on his head, but there, in the very far corner hugging herself, was Emma.

  There was a momentary rush of relief that had his shoulders sagging and an exhale leaving his lips. That’s when he saw the blood. It covered her top, droplets scattered across her arms, along with a smear across her cheek. Fear gripped him, nausea rising.

  “Emma?” he shouted across the waiting people, astounded by how tortured his voice sounded.

  Her head snapped up, her sad eyes seeking him out. Asher watched, helpless as she began to cry. The tears welled, pooling in her blue eyes before tumbling and making tracks down her cheeks.

  She moved quickly forward, focused on him. She stumbled over a discarded bag but continued until she stood trembling before him. “I’m sorry I called you. I just…I needed…I—”

  “What happened?” He reached out to touch her arm. “How badly are you hurt? Em, that’s a lot of blood.” His voice shook.

  Her bottom lip quivered, another tear slipping free. As each one rolled down her face his chest hurt a little more. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  Rubbing his sternum with one hand, he cupped her face with the other, swiping the sadness away with the pad of his thumb. “What happened, Emma?”

  “The blood isn’t mine. It’s Gabe’s, he’s hurt. Someone cut him.”

  He didn’t understand. He remained frozen, staring at her and wiping away her tears. His mind reeled. “Gabe?”

  Emma wobbled, her body swaying. Gripping her biceps, Asher guided her to a vacant chair and lowered her onto the plastic seat. Even though panic still raced through him, he battled to keep his tone low and even. Spooking her wouldn’t help right now.

  “He’s a kid. From the shelter. They hurt him really bad, Asher. How could someone do that?”

  “I don’t know.” He rubbed her back gently, trying to calm her. It was all he could think of because, right now, he felt pretty damn useless. “Are the doctors sorting him out?”

  Emma nodded, holding her bottom lip between her teeth. It was a valiant attempt to staunch the flow of tears. One that didn’t completely work.

  “Are you calm enough to start at the beginning? I’m kind of wading my way through the info at the minute, not really understanding any of it. I want to help, angel, I do but I need a point to go from, yeah?”

  Nodding again, she took a few deep breaths. He searched for a reaction to his endearment. It hadn’t been intentional, and he was thankful she appeared to have missed the slip.

  “A boy came into the shelter a few days ago. Bloody and bruised. He only trusted me but he went back.” She gulped, her tone becoming high pitched.

  Asher felt useless, unable to do anything but rub her back in a lame offer of comfort. “Where did he go back to, Em?”

  Her watery eyes met his. “I’m not sure but it has to be the same place he was hurt to begin with. He came back to me this time—hid in my office. There was blood everywhere. Things have been bad at the shelter before. This? This was like nothing else. He’s so small and skinny. Kind of reminds me of…”

  She paused, shaking her head as if trying to dislodge the thought. He wouldn’t let her. “What? Tell me.”

  When she started to shake her head again he took hold of her face in both of his hands. It was obviously important, otherwise why would she try to hide it from him? He met her gaze, watched as her bottom lip quivered and her brows drew tightly together.

  His fingers itched to smooth away her frown—smooth away her troubles. The intense need frightened him. There had been only one person he’d ever cared enough about to want to do that, and he was no longer here.

  “He sort of reminds me of you. When you were young. And maybe a little bit now.”

  Asher winced, understanding where she was going with her point. He didn’t like it. Burying his past had been the only way he’d moved forward. He wouldn’t let her take him to that place.

  “Have the doctors told you anything?” he asked, changing the subject.

o. They rushed him through there.” She motioned toward the door leading to the Emergency Room. “The blood was everywhere. I tried to stay calm. I wanted to know what had happened. He wasn’t really conscious, so he babbled a lot.”

  She stuttered the last few words, taking a deep breath and looking up to the ceiling. Her upset clawed at him, making him want to run. Frustration built because he also wanted to drag her closer and hug the living daylights out of her. There had to be a way to make Emma feel better.

  “Do you need me to go and ask at the reception?”

  Emma shook her head again, reaching out to grasp his hands between hers. “Can you just stay here with me? The doctors know I’m waiting. They know I’m all Gabe has right now. I don’t know anything about him. Whether he does have anyone I can contact to comfort him.”

  Asher’s guts tightened knowing exactly how the boy felt. Many times he’d arrived at hospital bloody and alone. He’d never had anyone like Emma to look out for him.

  Not until Ike.

  Her thumb stroked his knuckles, and even locked in thought he was aware of the low electric charge that emanated from the connection. It was the same sensation he’d experienced years ago when she’d thrust the money in his hand, the same buzz he felt each time she touched him. It left him shaken and unnerved with no idea what he was doing or where this thing between them was going.

  “Do you want some water? Food?” he asked inanely, cursing himself for having no clue how to deal with the situation. He had more naivety than a ten-year-old when it came to relationships. Especially ones with women.

  “No. I’m okay. Just wait with me. Please?”

  Agreeing, Asher fought for something to say. The bustle of the room around them filled the silence, doctors rushed around as announcements were made loudly. A child cried while her mother attempted to soothe her, pushing her in a stroller. There was so much going on it made his head hurt, however he still felt the urge to keep talking. He cleared his throat, unsettled by the way it constricted. “So, um…The shelter? You work there?”

  “Yeah,” she said softly. “Guess I glossed over that when we talked the other night.” She shot him a small smile. “Thought I’d be relying on Daddy and his bank account, didn’t you?”

  She had him there. It was certainly a revelation knowing she wanted to make her own way in life. His attraction to her grew with each new discovery. Emma wasn’t the person he’d thought she’d turn out to be.

  “Miss Carnes?”

  Both turned their heads, taking in the doctor standing in front of them. Emma clenched Asher hands tighter, her acknowledgment little more than a whisper. “Yes. How’s Gabe?”

  “Hello, I’m Doctor Phelps. Gabe is doing well, but I really need to speak to his parents.”

  Asher winced. Gabe was still a child and knowing the system as he did, it was doubtful whether the doctor would confirm anything to Emma. No matter what the circumstances or where she worked. From the expression on her face, it appeared she already suspected that.

  He moved his hand to hers, linking their fingers in a show of support. His head didn’t even accept what he was doing until he felt that buzz when their hands connected. Emma squeezed his hand softly, still looking at the doctor.

  “I’m sure the receptionist told you the circumstances and where Gabe has been staying.”

  Doctor Phelps’ lips tightened as he nodded. “I completely understand, but I’m sure you do too. We have to work within the parameters of the law. Exactly how old is Gabe?”

  “He told me sixteen.”

  “Have the authorities been contacted?”

  Her hand tightened around his. “He hasn’t been at the shelter long. But to answer your question, yes, they have been and we’re working with them as we do with any child coming through our doors. I’ve contacted his allocated social worker.”

  Exhaling loudly, the doctor shoved his fingers through the unruly, dark curls on his head. He scowled seconds before he whispered, “I can tell you his cut has been sutured and he’s had medication for both the pain, and to calm him down. Gabe was not an easy patient.”

  “Thank you,” Emma replied, her shoulders sagging in relief. “Can I go and see him?”

  “As I said, he is sleeping but I doubt a few minutes would hurt.” He raised his clipboard, jotting something onto the paper that Asher couldn’t decipher. “Make sure it is just a few minutes, Miss Carnes. And please make his social worker aware that I’m his doctor, and I need to speak with them.”

  Thanking him, Emma dragged Asher through the waiting area toward the door.

  “Em? Emma, wait,” he shouted, pulling her to a stop. Turning to face him, she looked annoyed causing him to hastily say, “I don’t think I should go in with you. I’ll wait out here.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Doctor Phelps said he’s sedated because he wasn’t calm enough for him to treat. I’m a stranger to him. It would make him worse if he woke to see me. Trust me, I know.”

  “The doctor didn’t exactly say that,” she responded her top lip curling.

  “He inferred it. Same thing.”

  Letting go of his hand, she adjusted her bag strap on her shoulder. “You’ll wait for me?”

  His chest tightened at the sound of uncertainty in her voice. Why did she get to him like this? Why her and why now?

  “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll wait right over there. Take your time.” He needed the space to think anyway. “Need me to call anyone?”

  “No.” She started to push the door open, but paused and turned back toward him. “Asher?”


  “Thanks for coming. You were my knight in shining armour today. I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me. Never.”

  Asher swallowed thickly, emotion threatening to choke him. His heart pounded fiercely as he mustered the strength to say, “Ditto. I don’t forget good deeds either. You were mine.”

  She smiled widely, her eyes shining brightly. “I was your what?”

  “My angel, Em. You were my angel.”



  Warmth seeped through every cell in her body as Emma replayed Asher’s words in her head. Granted, he could have chosen a better time as it was after all, a hospital and she really wanted to hug him so tight he wouldn’t be able to breathe. He’d shy away from that, especially in public. He just had no idea what his declaration did to her.

  For years she had wondered about him, wondered where he appeared to have disappeared to. In fact, he’d been here all along, hiding in a bookshop of all places. That one sentence he’s just uttered told her a lot.

  She truly had helped him that night. And if she’d altered things for him she could do it for Gabe.

  Turning the corner and on to yet another hospital corridor, she began to check through the window of each door hunting for Gabe. Responsibility weighed heavy as the urge to see how he was escalated. She should have asked the doctor, or even at the reception but Asher’s words had left her elated and her thoughts were now clouded.

  Emotions warred within her, each thought conflicting with the other. Too much was happening at once, too many events for her to concentrate on simply one. With Gabe, along with the other kids, she had a purpose, something that she was good at. They relied on her. Whereas with Asher she was the one that felt needy. For his friendship, for his strength and so much more. They were still getting to know one another again, and she knew her life wouldn’t be the same without him. However, she had a feeling she was going to need to convince him that being friends was a good idea.

  Emma froze, her thoughts halting as she finally found who she was searching for. Her body sluicing icy cold, her insides knotting at the sight of Gabe, pale and sedated in the hospital bed.

  Pushing open the door, she walked quietly around the bed and took a precarious seat in the blue chair. She took hold of his hand, not liking the coolness that met her. She rubbed at the flesh, trying to warm him up—hoping to warm herself up because the chill
she felt was now bone deep.

  The machine beside him beeped to the rhythm of Gabe’s heartbeat, the little line bobbing up and down on the screen. It was steady, easing her concern for him a bit. The grey tinge to his skin increased it though, and when she noticed the large dressing on his arm she gasped. It would probably scar; something he would never be able to get rid of. It would always be there as a reminder to him.

  No matter how much therapy he had.

  Gabe would have to deal with pieces of his past every day when he looked in the mirror.

  “Oh, Gabe,” she said softly, sympathy dripping from her words. “You’ll be okay. I’m here for you.”

  Her body trembled, and she clutched his hand tighter. The beeps of the machine sped up as if responding to her, and at that moment she made a silent vow to herself. She would do everything in her power to rescue him from whatever he was dealing with. She’d helped Asher. He’d said as much only moments ago, so she would do it again.

  Emma was going to save Gabe.

  Chapter 8


  “How was he?” Asher questioned as Emma took a seat in the passenger side of his car. Her hand trembled as she smoothed a few of her blond curls behind her ear, revealing her tear-stained cheek to him.

  “Oh, Emma,” he said softly, stretching his arm across the space to take her hand. “Was he that bad?”

  Shaking her head, she took a deep breath before speaking. “No. He was sleeping. His face was a mess but not so much now that the blood has been washed off. He just looked so young and innocent laying there in the bed.”

  Asher hummed in agreement, allowing her time to explain what was going on. He doubted he could manage to speak anyway. Imagining the young boy, alone in a strange room was too much. Too personal.

  It caused his memories to burst free. Ones where he wore the hospital gowns, and doctors prodded his bleeding flesh while asking a multitude of questions he couldn’t answer. The memories made him shudder, lowering his body temperature but bringing him out in a sweat at the same time.