Benath the Surface (Reluctance #1) Read online

Page 22

  The guy smiled and beckoned for Kyran to climb aboard. “Must have been some argument if she left you.”

  “I was an ass. According to her, I usually am.”

  “Well, I guess I can’t refuse the great grand gesture, right?”

  “I hope not.”

  The man tossed the cloth down the ladder and closed the doors to his personal quarters. He pointed at a space for Kyran to sit and began preparing the boat. “You’re lucky,” he said. “I was just getting ready to leave for the island anyway. Another ten minutes and you would have been on the dock until dawn.”

  “Then I suppose fate is on my side for once.”

  “Always possible, buddy. Always possible.”

  Kyran stayed silent while the man started the boat and began to ride the choppy waves toward the small spot of land he could just make out.

  “I’m Kyran, by the way.”


  Kyran blinked and snorted loud enough that the man looked back at him. “What?”

  “My girl? Her name is Dale, too.”

  He grinned at Kyran, flashing a set of the whitest teeth he had ever seen. “Then it really is fate.”

  Curious why this Dale was heading to the same island, he shouted, “Do you live over there?”

  Nodding, he shot Kyran a quick glance. “Sure do. Bought a house over there about a year ago. I’ve got a girl over there, too. Difference between us is that my girl doesn’t want a gesture of any kind. Doesn’t stop me trying, though.”

  Kyran looked over to the land that approached. The splash of the waves and the rev of the engine were the only sounds to break the silence between them, though it wasn’t long before Kyran felt the need to speak. “Maybe she would change her mind if you bombarded her enough.”

  Chuckling, Dale shook his head. “She’s strong willed, and once she sets her mind on something, there’s no changing her.”

  “Sounds familiar.”

  “Ah, your lady a stubborn one, too?”

  “Aren’t they all?”

  They rode the rest of the way without speaking, each of them locked in their own thoughts. As they neared the dock, Kyran’s heart began to speed up. He couldn’t control the escalating excitement. He was on his way to get the girl and give her the label she wanted.

  Chapter 25

  The banging on the front door woke Dale from her fitful slumber. She had fallen asleep on the couch, and now she had a stiff neck. She squinted at her watch, trying to see the time. The television illuminated the room and the rain tapped against the window pane. It wasn’t late but the heavy weather made it appear much darker.

  Dale rubbed her eyes and rearranged her oversized sweater as the banging continued.

  “All right already! I’m coming.”

  The knocking ceased, though she doubted whoever it was would stop for long. Still blurry from sleep, she shuffled toward the hall. The light on the small porch needed a new bulb. The dimness made it impossible to see her visitor. It appeared her father was still out at the bar, otherwise he would be cursing, too.

  “Seriously!” She pulled the door open. “What is your problem? One knock would . . .” The rest of her tirade died on her tongue when she saw who stood outside. At first her head told her she knew who it was, even though she couldn’t quite believe the man was really standing out on her porch. The T-shirt he wore was soaked through, clinging to every contour of his body. His tattoos were visible underneath the long, wet sleeves. Bruises marred his face, and his lip displayed a rather gruesome cut.

  “You’ve been fighting? Or should I say, you’ve been losing?” Dale asked, placing her hand on her hip and telling her heart there was no need to leap with excitement.

  Kyran shrugged. He dropped his backpack onto the floor and scrubbed the rain from his face. “You weren’t around to save me from myself.”

  Dale bristled. “No, Kyran. You will not fucking blame me for your behavior—for your need to feel everything in excess.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Think about it. The women you sleep with, your work, the boxing. You need the volume increased on everything. We could never be just sex. You can’t do just anything.”

  “That’s why I’m here.” He took a step closer to her. “Please, baby, let me in.”

  Her heart leapt again at the sound of his endearment. Stiffening her spine, Dale tried to stand her ground. She wouldn’t melt at his feet because he’d followed her there. No matter how much she wanted to. “Why are you here?”

  “Let me in and I’ll explain.”

  Dale wavered, more than a little concerned about how wet he was. He’d come a long way, and she suspected it wasn’t for a booty call.

  Kyran stretched his arm out, minimizing the space between them. He cupped her face and brought his other hand up to mirror the first when she didn’t protest. Butterflies swarmed in her stomach. Seeing him there made her a little lightheaded, his touch made her weak-kneed, and the longer he stayed, the more her will crumbled.

  Kyran caressed her cheekbones, focused on her. When she didn’t protest, he removed the space between them and backed her into the house. The door slammed behind them. Dale gasped as he spun her around and pressed her body against the door as his cool, wet one pushed against her front.

  “Christ, baby, I missed you. I didn’t know that. I didn’t know anything.”

  Confused, she opened her mouth but never got the chance to speak. Kyran’s mouth met hers in a hungry, somewhat brutal kiss. For a short while, Dale got carried away in the moment. She allowed the kiss, fooling herself into thinking he had followed her because he cared, but it was all in her head.

  On that thought, she shoved his chest as hard as she could and attempted to put some distance between them. “Don’t. I’m not your latest fixation, Kyran. You don’t have to force things with me just because of my feelings for you. I’m a big girl now. I can cope with rejection.”

  Scowling, Kyran fumbled with the hem of her sweater, and for a moment, she fooled herself into believing he just had to touch her.

  “Why would you want to deal with it if I’m not rejecting you?”

  “You’re confusing me, Ky. I don’t understand what you’re saying. I don’t understand why you are here. And how did you know where I was?”

  Kyran lowered his head, rubbing the back of his neck as he muttered, “Trace.”

  “Should have known. The snitch.”

  “It’s irrelevant, Dale.” He pulled on the hem of her sweater. “And as for not understanding, if you allow me to talk, I’ll make everything clear.”

  Her throat tightened, the butterflies suddenly going crazy. She wasn’t sure she wanted to hear whatever he had to say. She doubted her heart could take it.

  “I don’t know where to begin with this, so I may ramble a little.” He took a deep breath and linked his fingers with hers. “From the start—from that very moment you walked into my office, wobbling on those heels and leaving a trail of vanilla-scented air—I began to drown. Every time I took a breath, the air was filled with you. I fought it, determined to ignore your siren call.” Lifting their entwined hands, Kyran placed her palm over his heart. It was out of control, pulsing as fast as hers. “But you kept dragging me under, and beneath my controlled surface, something was happening to me.”

  Lightheaded, Dale made herself ask, “What? What was happening?” She felt his heart speed up as he lowered his face to hers.

  “I was falling in love with you. Hook. Line. And fucking sinker. You took the ground from under my feet and left me with nothing to cling to but you.”

  Dale melted against him. His lips met hers, but where before it had been heated and intense, this time it was slow, soft, and sensual. Her world spun, and in an attempt to stop it, she held his head in place, grazing her nails along his scalp. “Oh God.” She whimpered as tears burst free.

  “I mean every word,” he whispered, delivering little pecks to her bottom lip. “Let me show you, baby.”

>   Dale couldn’t have said no even if she wanted to. The ability to speak seemed to have disappeared around the same time he’d told her he loved her. It had to be a dream. Maybe she was still sleeping on the couch.

  If it was, she didn’t want to burst the bubble, so she allowed herself to be carried away on Kyran’s brand of intoxicating lust.

  Dale rolled her hips shamelessly against him, showing him just what she needed. Kyran rocked his hard thigh against the seam of her shorts and whispered once again how he felt. Her ears started to buzz, along with the heavy rush of hot, desire-laced blood as it pumped through her veins. Kyran deepened the kiss and pressed Dale forcefully against the door. He smoothed his hand up under her sweater, caressing her side, and she gasped at his touch. Clutching at his biceps, she felt the muscle tense under her fingers. Her sex throbbed in response. This was going to spiral out of control—the need to rediscover each other, to affirm their feelings, drove them forward.

  Kyran kissed down her neck, pushing the sweater off her shoulder and nibbling on the delicate skin. His stubble rasped along her collarbone, causing her knees to buckle. He chuckled and turned them around, trying to back her toward the stairs. When she stumbled, he lifted her up and nuzzled her chest.

  “I love you.” Dale wrapped her legs around his waist as her hands cupped his shaved head.

  “I want to go slow, to show you how I feel, but I need you so bad right now, baby. I’m a starving man, and you’re my banquet. Upstairs?”

  Giggling, Dale hummed in agreement and tightened her hold on him. They didn’t get very far. Kyran couldn’t wait any longer than she could. He leaned over, pressed her down on the stairs, and pulled her sweater over her head. A rumble racked his chest as he cupped her breasts, stroking her nipple through the lace of her bra.

  “I have to touch you,” he said before pulling down her left bra cup and sucking her nipple into his mouth.

  “Yes,” she moaned, bumping her head back against an upper step. Closing her eyes, she focused on his tweaking fingers and swirling tongue. Kyran pressed his knee against her sex, easing the ache—but just a little, as it was building beyond control.

  Desperate, Dale fumbled with his T-shirt and tried to pull it over his head. The difficulty came when Kyran wouldn’t let go of her breasts.

  “I want to show you what you mean to me, so lie back, baby. Enjoy the ride.” He winked, the sparkle in his eyes sending a shiver of delight through her body.

  It all still felt like a dream, and as his teeth grazed her nipple, she closed her eyes and let herself get carried away on Kyran’s wave.

  “Upstairs,” he said, picking her up as though she weighed nothing more than a feather. She whispered quick directions to her bedroom, enjoying the feel of his bulging muscles beneath her fingers.

  “Why now? What changed your mind?” She paused as he kissed her hard. “What about Taylor?”

  Smiling, he shook his head. “I am not talking about my brother right now. In fact, I’m not talking at all.”

  Kyran resumed his kiss. She worried about the cut, concerned he would split it open. When she squirmed and tried to free herself to talk to him he growled, keeping up his assault on her lips. He didn’t put her down until he reached her bedroom, and even then he only broke free to topple them onto the mattress. There was no pause. Hands roamed across her body, lips kissed hers hard, and tongues licked heated flesh as their clothes were discarded on the floor.

  Kyran’s kisses intensified, his touch growing more aggressive as he caressed his way over her stomach and down between her legs. He kissed a path down toward her heated sex and licked at her outer lips before dipping in to taste her. Waves of pleasure crashed through her, starting between her legs before rippling over the rest of her body. Every nerve lit up and buzzed with life.

  Kyran spread her legs wider and slid his tongue over her clit again and again. He increased the pressure, chuckling when she began to murmur random words that were complete nonsense. Sensations built within her as darkness surrounded them, and the sound of the rain increased along with their gasps and whimpers.

  “I love you.” His heated breath floated across her inflamed skin.

  Dale didn’t respond. She wasn’t capable. His tongue swept over her clit again, and he slipped his fingers between her folds and pressed them deep into her sex. Her cry filled the air, his name following.

  She struggled for breath as arousal seeped between her legs. It made his movements slicker and caused her thighs to tremble. He pulled his fingers away, and she moaned before he pushed them back in again. Flames of ecstasy scorched her skin. Kyran caressed and devoured her. He pressed his tongue hard against her clit, licking at her with increased passion.

  Dale’s heart pounded, deafening her, and when his finger swirled, she exploded. Waves of amazing pleasure ripped through her, leaving her shaken and gasping for breath.

  Kyran eased down alongside her, stroking hair from her sweat-soaked brow. He kissed the tip of her nose and sighed. Dale could feel his heart thumping against her hand as she rested it on his chest. He was just as affected as she was. Not that she needed that confirmation— it shone from his eyes when he gazed at her.

  His skin burned as she snuggled up against him, and when Dale reached for his erection, he held her wrist still.

  “That was a bit one-sided, Ky.”

  “I don’t care.” He framed her face with his hands. “I had to show you what you mean to me. I’ve fucked up really bad. I tossed your feelings aside and hid mine under the just sex label.” His voice was husky. It vibrated deliciously across her skin.

  “How do you know they’re real now? You could be confusing it all with sex.”

  Kyran toyed with her fingers, kissing the tip of each one before answering. “I’ve slept with many women, Dale, and have never experienced such confusion.”

  “I doubt you were sleeping,” she added.


  Pushing Kyran onto his back, she straddled him. “Hardly. I don’t need to be jealous. I have . . .”

  “What? Don’t go all coy on me now.”

  Dale felt her cheeks heat. She worried that she was about to say the wrong thing, though his response would be the deal breaker for their relationship. Inhaling, she continued, hoping she would get the response she desired. “I don’t need to be jealous because I have you. You’re mine now.”

  There was no pause, Kyran answered immediately. “If you want me, I’m yours.”

  Letting out a breath, her whole world righted itself. Dale kissed him, as he skimmed his hands along her ribs. “I want you, Mr. Reese, but I think we need to talk.”

  Kyran’s expression grew serious. He sat up, bringing her with him and adjusting her in his lap. “We can talk. But you do it naked and sitting right here.”

  They’d made their declarations, cemented them by making love, but now they needed to talk, because intimacy was useless without communication.

  Chapter 26

  Dale could have been swept away on Kyran’s wave, forgetting about his brother, his family, her job, and how they were going to move forward. She could have taken him at face value, reveling in each and every word he’d said. It would have been far too easy to let their issues disappear, but Dale refused. Ignoring the world around them would just cause problems further down the road. They had to be clear about what they each expected—what each of them wanted. Without that resolution, they would be back to square one.

  Kyran tucked a stray curl behind her ear. He stroked her cheek, the ease of his touch almost bringing her to tears. The walls had crumbled for him, but now she was the one keeping her distance. His openness scared her and made her tense. Dale wasn’t used to it, though she hoped talking it through with him would ease every one of her concerns.

  “Talk to me,” he said. “Tell me what’s going on.”

  Seeing no point in trying to hide her feelings when she wanted the truth from him, she answered. “I do want you. I’m just a bit shocked.”<
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  “Never expected me to come after you, huh?”

  “I never took you as a grand gesture kind of guy,” she said, blushing. He slipped his hand down her neck, stroking his fingers along her collarbone as she started to speak again. “I want to believe you, Ky. God, I do, but—”

  “You need reassurances.”

  Dale closed her eyes, enjoying his touch for a short time before meeting his eyes again. “Yes, I do. You were so adamant this was to be just sex. You made the rules, and I broke them. I fell for you.”

  “I did, too,” he said. “Though I wasn’t ready. I tried to tell you, to explain what was going on in my head.”


  Kyran stroked his thumb across her bottom lip. “You really have no idea, do you?”

  Frowning, Dale shook her head.

  “Then can I ask that we get back to this exact subject once we’ve discussed everything else?” He continued when he saw she was ready to interrupt. “I’m not trying to sidetrack you. I promise I will get back to this point.” He traced his finger over his chest. “Cross my heart.”

  Even though Dale didn’t quite believe him, she found herself agreeing.

  “Thank you. And as for your reassurances? You’ll have those very soon.”

  “You’re still so damn elusive,” she said, shaking her head in exasperation.

  Kyran smirked and held his fists up as she’d seen him do so many times. “Got to keep my guard up, baby. Otherwise I end up bruised.”

  “Like now?” Dale touched his bruised face with affection. “You’re a mess.”

  “I needed to feel something other than the bone-deep longing I felt for you.”

  She smiled, happiness warming her body. “You’re saying all the right things today.”

  “Good.” Kyran kissed her nose. “Remember that when we return to the earlier topic. Now, what else did you want to clear up?”