Benath the Surface (Reluctance #1) Read online

Page 23

  “You’re talking like this is a business transaction.”

  “It’s not intentional. I just want to go over everything and make this right with you.”

  Dale tapped his nose. “Don’t try too hard. I liked the old Kyran. His edge attracted me to him in the first place.”

  “Is that so?” His brows rose as he flashed his teeth at her. “Ouch!” He winced and pressed his fingers to his lips.

  “I’m not giving you any sympathy. You should have never been in that ring if your intention was to get beaten. You’re better than that.”

  Her words were stronger than her resolve because seconds later she began kissing his lip. “Better?”

  “Is that what you’ll do to all of my boo-boos? Because I have a real big one just down . . .” He lowered his hand to his dick, about to wrap his fingers around it when she laughed, shoving at his naked chest. “Hey! I was only asking.”

  Watching him tease himself until he came would have her wet and wanting in no time. She wanted that easy comfort with him now, but that would ruin her resolve. The diversion would be amazing; however, it was one they couldn’t afford just yet.

  “How’s Taylor?” She needed to put something between them before she gave in to him.

  “Taylor is . . . well, he’s currently on a ranch in the middle of Hunter’s Hollow.”

  Certain she hadn’t heard Kyran right, she asked, “Say that again.”

  “You heard me.” He held her hips, slowly moving upward until he reached her breasts. He tickled the sensitive underside of them, causing little shivers to rush through her body. Her nipples hardened, and it grew rather difficult to focus. She did try, though. “Um, why H-Hunter’s Hollow?”

  “He’s to be a ranch hand for the next six months. No drugs, drink, or women, otherwise Dad will disown him. After the outburst on the yacht, Taylor believed his threat. Dad surprised me.” He paused. “Things aren’t what they seemed.”


  “My father. My relationship with him, and his with Clara. I thought I knew what he was about, who he was, but after all of this, I’ve learned I had no clue. He laid down the law when it came to Taylor.”

  “What about your relationship with him?”

  “Can I say it’s a work in progress? I still don’t think his pride will allow him to admit he failed us, but I have a new understanding.”

  She walked her fingers up the deep black ink on his arms, feeling the goose bumps spring to life. Her stomach clenched, coiling tight as desire began to swamp her.

  “And why is that?”

  “Because now I know how terrible it is to lose something—someone—who means everything to you.”

  Dale smiled, her stomach flipping in response. “But that doesn’t explain the way he treated you and Taylor.”

  “That’s why it’s a work in progress. I’m trying to get my head around what that loss does to a man with two sons.”

  She snuggled closer to him, enjoying his warmth. She decided to alter the topic of conversation a little. “Why was Taylor sent to Hunter’s Hollow of all places?”

  “You’ve already asked that.” He smirked. “Dad didn’t always have money or stature. In fact, Dad’s just a cowboy with cash. But don’t tell him I said that. Anyway, his brother still runs the family ranch. Dad shipped Taylor to Uncle Josh.”

  Wriggling in his lap, Dale moaned when Kyran skimmed her hard nipples. “Oh God, that feels amazing . . .” She grasped for focus. “So how are things with Clara?”

  “Not perfect. Better. Especially after her help with Taylor. We’ve done the very thing I thought we never would. We’ve all come together as a family.”

  Dale couldn’t stop smiling at him. Everything was looking up, and for the first time she could see a way through this. “All? What about Taylor?”

  “That’s definitely something that has to be fixed. I’ve resented him for so long, hated that I was the one who had to care for him. I see things far too clearly now, and I have a lot of work to do with my brother.” Dale nodded as Kyran continued. “I’m going to visit him. I’m going to set everything straight.”

  “Where’s the real Kyran? What have you done with him?”

  Kyran laughed, the rumble in his chest causing her to squirm.

  “So,” he said, grabbing her waist and flipping her over onto her back. She protested, squealing and hitting his chest in a feeble attempt to push him off. Not that she wanted to. The way he blanketed her, molded against her body, was perfection—sheer bliss. “So, what else would you like to discuss, Ms. Porter?”

  “This.” Dale stroked along his left arm. The code of numbers and letters spiraled around it, from wrist to shoulder, the ink highlighting each and every muscle.

  “It’s very simple, and it will need a new addition soon.” Dale frowned as he continued. “It’s nothing more than a series of dates and initials. I just decided not to make it too clear what it was. And the new addition will be you—us.”

  “So they’re birthdays and stuff?”

  “Kind of. This one? This is my birthday. But this one is the date I took over the corporation. And this one is the date my first child was born.”

  Dale froze in shock “What? I don’t—”

  Kyran let out a deep belly laugh. Dale was so stunned she couldn’t move, just lay beneath him, mouth gaping.

  “Baby, I’m joking.” He kissed her shoulder. “I truly am.”

  The pounding of her heart slowed, but it didn’t stop her from giving him the stink eye.

  “I really was.”

  “Not funny.” She pouted and shoved his chest.

  “It was for me.” Still grinning, he rested on his forearms. “Can we go back to the topic we started earlier? You’re killing me here.”

  “The reassurances?”

  Kyran didn’t answer her. He leapt from the bed and raced across the room. She began laughing again when he wiggled his ass before disappearing out the door. Dale listened, wondering where in the hell he could possibly be going. When she heard the front door open, then close, she panicked for a split second. However, he couldn’t have gone far without any clothes on. Running away wouldn’t be the best way to reassure her that the relationship was solid either.

  “I have this for you.” Kyran entered the room. He held his backpack in one hand and something she couldn’t make out in the other. He was wet, droplets of rain scattered across his shoulders.

  “You went out there naked?”

  “Shush, I’m trying to say something important here. I needed my bag and forgot I’d left it out on your porch.”

  Dale stuck her tongue out at him, secretly hoping it would have the same effect the action had before. Kyran shook his head and dropped the bag on the floor. He knelt by the edge of the bed, resting his chin on the mattress near her head. She twisted onto her side, growing serious when she saw his expression.

  “I told you earlier that I tried to show you what was going on in my head—”

  “But I missed it.”

  “Yeah, you did.” Raising his hand, he placed an oblong piece of white card on the mattress. Her heart almost exploded out of her chest, her eyes starting to well with tears. “This was my way of telling you. My problem was that I had no clue what I was trying to say. So I came up with the idea of sending you these.”

  “What are they?” she asked, her voice little more than a whisper. “I did get them, but I don’t understand.”

  “Labels. I was trying to explain that I wanted a label for us.”

  “They were blank, Kyran.”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, and he lifted his other hand up, setting another label on the mattress. Dale reached for it, shaking as she saw this one was different from the other labels he’d been sending her.

  This one had writing on it.

  Her breathing grew shallow as she turned the card to see the words. She read them, digesting what the man on his knees at the side of her bed was trying to say to her. Tears spille
d down her cheeks, emotion making it difficult to speak.

  “I don’t want you to cry. This is my label, Dale. This is what I want.”

  Dale swiped at her eyes, looking back down at the card. She read the four words again, trying to accept that they were real.

  Will you marry me?

  “Dale, I was stupid. I love you.”

  The tears were flowing now, cascading down Dale’s face, her throat so tight she could barely speak. She managed the most important word, though.


  Kyran lunged, bringing her in his arms at the exact moment they heard the bang of the front door.

  “Dale, honey. You home?”

  “My dad,” she whispered into Kyran’s ear. “And you’d better get dressed. Greeting my father naked while you ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage will only get you thrown out.”


  Six months later . . .

  Dale was going to kill him. Not only was he going to be late for their wedding, but his eye was now turning a gruesome shade of blue. He’d promised her he would keep his face bruise-free for the wedding photographs. He hadn’t lied; his opponent had been an easy one. The guy had just thrown a lucky punch.

  It had been his only one.

  Kyran stared out across the sea, adjusting his shirt and cuff links. Six months ago he had been on the very same boat, sailing to sort out the mess he had made. Today he was hanging a label on his future and putting a ring on Dale’s finger, telling the world she was his.


  “Five more minutes. You nervous?”

  Kyran grimaced at the other Dale in his life. “Fucking petrified.”

  “You’ll be fine,” he said before pointing at Kyran’s face. “Though you’re going to get your ass kicked for that eye.”

  Kyran tried to make light of the problem, not really believing it. “She’s used to seeing me beat up. Comes with the territory. She knows me like no one else ever has. Fighting is a part of me. Some people run, others cycle, I fight. Trust me, I’d be horrid without the outlet. Dale knows that.”

  “Never thought I’d be taking you to your wedding after our previous trip to Barren.”

  Kyran grinned. “Did you think my grand gesture would fall flat? Even with fate lending us a hand?”

  His newfound friend shook his head. “No, man. Fate brought two Dales into your life, but I just didn’t see you as the marrying kind.”

  “Honestly? I wasn’t.”

  “Ah, the love of a woman.” He nodded knowingly while steering the boat closer to the dock. “Is the rest of your family on Barren?”

  Nodding, Kyran’s stomach flipped as Dale moored the boat on the small wooden dock. He was helped out of the boat, thankful that he wasn’t too wet. It would just be another annoyance to his future wife.

  Tidying himself up, he stared down the beach, seeing the small white tent surrounded by chairs. People had already begun to wander around, preparing to take their seats. Seeing that should have made his nerves worse, but in fact it calmed him.

  There wasn’t a single doubt in Kyran’s mind that this was what he wanted.

  Reveling in the sense of calm, he shook Dale’s hand. “See you in a while.”

  “You will. I’ll be sitting in the back row watching you sign your life away.”

  “Funny.” Sarcasm laced Kyran’s tone. “And you’re just jealous.”


  Kyran waved him good-bye and walked up toward the edge of the beach. The guests had begun to take their seats and he could see his father waiting to the side, watching for him. Every instinct within him urged him to run toward them, but as his feet hit the sand, he sank down, the grains filling his dress shoes.

  “Fuck it.” He slipped his shoes and socks off. He left them where they were, enjoying the feeling of the sand between his toes as he walked toward his future.

  Dale had been the one to want the beach. In truth, he didn’t care where they got married, as long as they did. So he had agreed, also accepting a low-key affair without the large, extravagant dress and tuxedos. Dale wanted simple.

  “Thought you weren’t going to show, son.” Jacob patted Kyran on the back as Taylor moved closer to them. He smiled at his brother.

  “She would hunt me down.”

  “She’s going to do that when she sees your face,” Taylor said.

  Kyran rolled his eyes. “Yeah, small problem with too much beer and too many stairs.”

  Taylor gave him a knowing look, while their father snorted. “Well, you had better think up a better excuse than that because she’ll be here soon.”

  “I will.” Kyran faced his brother. “I wasn’t sure whether you’d make it, man.”

  Taylor came forward and hugged Kyran. It was a bit awkward, but Kyran wasn’t about to complain and ruin the little progress he and his brother had made. “Really didn’t want to miss it but things are a bit strained at the ranch. I can only stay until lunchtime tomorrow before I have to go back.”

  Shock hit Kyran square in the chest. “Your six months are up, bro. You don’t have to go back. You’re free, and your desk is waiting for you.”

  Taylor shook his head. “Not right now. I’ve spoken to Dad. Josh and Libby need me, but don’t get too comfortable. I’ll be back.”

  “Just not now, huh?”

  Taylor didn’t respond. Instead he raised his hand and pointed over Kyran’s shoulder. Kyran spun, his mouth hanging open when he saw Dale.

  The dress fitted her like a glove, her curves making his mouth water. The white satin flowed to the ground, gathering around her bare feet. He smiled and pointed to his own. Dale’s giggle made the guests turn and smile at them both.

  In her hands she held a small bouquet of sterling roses, and the one piece of jewelry she wore was a thin silver chain around her neck. The woman took his breath away.

  Kyran reached into his pocket, pulling out what he needed as he walked to meet her before she walked down the aisle.

  “Lucky I brought my makeup, Rocky.”

  “You’re not pissed?”

  “You will pay for it.” She handed her flowers to Trace, who stood next to her. “But I had a feeling you’d end up bruised somewhere. I know you.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. “The only one who does.” He kissed her again. “I have a new label for you.” He smiled and passed her a small oblong card.

  Dale took it and giggled as she read the words.

  Mrs. Reese.

  “Perfect.” Kyran lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the diamond ring he’d given her six months ago. “Are we ready?”

  Dale shook her head. “Not just yet. I have a label for you, too.”

  Kyran wasn’t sure what title she could give him, unless she was fooling with him. He took the card anyway, ignoring the secretive little smile she shot him. Music began to play, ready for their walk down the makeshift aisle. People were waiting, staring at them in anticipation, but Dale was oblivious. She was focused on him and the label she had passed him.

  He flipped the card over, reading the five letters that left him utterly speechless.


  Also by M.A. Stacie

  Unwritten Rules

  Elle is an energetic, independent woman with a successful business and new start in the big city. The bustling streets of New York are not what she expected, yet she finds the freedom exhilarating. One interaction at the mailboxes with her shy, strikingly handsome neighbor is all it takes to turn the strong- willed young woman into a bumbling mess.

  Jonah Quinn is withdrawn for good reason; he harbors a dark secret. He lives his life in the shadows, playing his music in late night bars and hiding himself from everyone but Elle's cat. His tattoos bear his pain while his music is his outlet, but it is his silence that keeps his shame at bay.

  Can one night of passion between the two of them lead to more than casual glances exchanged at their mailboxes? Will Elle be strong enough to help Jonah with his personal demo
ns. And will Jonah break his silence regarding a past that haunts him?

  The Rules for this relationship are Unwritten. A story of longing, love, and forgiveness.

  Download a sample of this book at The Writer’s Coffee Shop.